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Created January 12, 2021 03:55
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Dirt-simple reactive signals in Scala 3
package signals
import scala.collection.mutable
trait Target[+A] {
def rely(upset: () => () => Unit): (A, Cancellable)
import TrackingUtils.tracking
def map[B](f: A => B): Target[B] = tracking { f(this.track) }
def flatMap[B](f: A => Target[B]) = tracking { f(this.track).track }
def zip[B](other: Target[B]): Target[(A, B)] = tracking { (this.track, other.track) }
def track(using tracking: Tracking): A = tracking.track(this)
trait Cancellable {
def cancel(): Unit
trait ComputedTarget[A] extends Target[A] {
private val listeners = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Listener]()
private val listened = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Cancellable]()
private class Listener(upset: () => () => Unit) {
def apply(): () => Unit = {
def rely(upset: () => () => Unit): (A, Cancellable) = {
val listener = new Listener(upset)
listeners += listener
new Cancellable {
def cancel(): Unit = {
listeners -= listener
if (listeners.isEmpty) {
val currentListened = listened.toSeq
currentListened foreach (_.cancel())
protected def upset(): () => Unit = {
val currentListeners = listeners.toSeq
val next =
currentListeners map { l =>
() => {
next foreach (_())
protected def relyOn[B](s: Target[B]): B = {
val (b, c) = s.rely(upset)
listened += c
protected def compute: A
class Source[A](_init: => A) extends ComputedTarget[A] {
private var it: A = _init
def update(next: A): Unit = {
it = next
protected def compute: A = it
object TrackingUtils {
def tracking[A](f: Tracking ?=> A): Target[A] = new ComputedTarget[A] {
protected def compute = {
f(using new Tracking {
def track[A](t: Target[A]) = relyOn(t)
trait Tracking {
def track[A](t: Target[A]): A
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