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Last active December 21, 2016 05:15
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Copyright 2016 Ellen Poe
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from random import shuffle, randint
import itertools
import operator
import functools
def subsetsum(array,num):
if num == 0 or num < 1:
return None
elif len(array) == 0:
return None
if array[0] == num:
return [array[0]]
with_v = subsetsum(array[1:],(num - array[0]))
if with_v:
return [array[0]] + with_v
return subsetsum(array[1:],num)
def ncr(n, r):
r = min(r, n-r)
if r == 0: return 1
numer = functools.reduce(operator.mul, range(n, n-r, -1))
denom = functools.reduce(operator.mul, range(1, r+1))
return numer//denom
class SubsetSumSolver:
def __init__(self, s, maxM=7, directCheckThresh=5000):
self.maxM = maxM
self.directCheckThresh = directCheckThresh
self.allMs = [2**i for i in range(1, maxM)]
self.set = s
#setModKey[m][k] is the number of values that satisfy: val === k (mod m)
#it will only be defined in for m = power of two
self.setModKey = dict()
#valEquivalenceClasses[m][k] is the list of all values that satsify val === k (mod m)
self.valEquivalenceClasses = dict()
#this caches some expansion operations
self.combinationCache = dict()
self.combinationSourceCache = dict()
for m in self.allMs:
self.setModKey[m] = []
self.valEquivalenceClasses[m] = dict()
self.combinationCache[m] = dict()
for k in range(m):
satisfyingVals = [val for val in self.set if val % m == k]
self.valEquivalenceClasses[m][k] = satisfyingVals
def solveDirectly(self, goal, valCounts):
m = len(valCounts)
#Fill valLists this with a list of 'sets' by taking combinations of our equivalence classes according to valCounts.
#Taking the cartesian product of valLists will give us every possible combination of values that satisfies valCounts.
valLists = []
for i in range(m):
if valCounts[i] == 0:
elif i in self.combinationCache[m].keys() and valCounts[i] in self.combinationCache[m][i].keys():
if i not in self.combinationCache[m].keys() and valCounts[i]:
self.combinationCache[m][i] = dict()
possibleCombinations = [sum(sublist) for sublist in list(itertools.combinations(self.valEquivalenceClasses[m][i], valCounts[i]))]
self.combinationCache[m][i][valCounts[i]] = possibleCombinations
#This is the previously mentioned cartesian product
candidateSolutions = itertools.product(*valLists)
for candidate in candidateSolutions:
#Flatten it in order to take a sum, and check against the goal.
if sum(candidate) == goal:
k = 0
deconstructedCandidate = []
for i in range(m):
if valCounts[i] == 0:
#don't increment k because no sum was added to this candidate earlier.
possibleCombinations = list(itertools.combinations(self.valEquivalenceClasses[m][i], valCounts[i]))
for sublist in possibleCombinations:
if sum(sublist) == candidate[k]:
deconstructedCandidate += sublist
k += 1
return deconstructedCandidate
def solve(self, goal):
#A simple optimization is to not consider candidate solutions that cannot possibly have enough values to satisfy the goal
minToTake = None
partialSums = [sum(sorted(self.set, reverse=True)[:i]) for i in range(len(self.set))]
for i in range(len(self.set)):
if partialSums[i] >= goal:
minToTake = i
solution = self.satisfySetForM(goal, None, 2, minToTake)
if solution is not None:
solution = list(solution)
#The solution space reduction factor can only be calculated if we completed looking through the solution space (and didn't solve the problem)
return solution
def satisfySetForM(self, goal, prevCounts, m, minToTake):
goalModM = goal % m
#This will hold all conceivable totals based solely on prevCounts. Validation will come later.
allPossibleCounts = []
if prevCounts is None:
#This is the first iteration! Just come up with every possible value.
lists = [range(k+1) for k in self.setModKey[m]]
allPossibleCounts = list(itertools.product(*lists))
#This code is hard to understand, but its function is best described in terms of the algorithm.
#Consider the count, k3_4, of values where n === 3 (mod 4)
#The counts k3_8 and k7_8 of values where n === 3 (mod 8) and n === 7 (mod 8) must sum to k3_4
#This code goes from a known value of k3_4 to all possible values of k3_8 and k7_8
possiblePairs = []
for i in range(int(m/2)):
#need to satisfy a sum of prevCounts[i] with groups of sizeLow and sizeHigh
sizeLow, sizeHigh = self.setModKey[m][i], self.setModKey[m][i + int(m/2)]
minLow = max(0, prevCounts[i] - sizeHigh)
maxLow = min(sizeLow, prevCounts[i])
minHigh = max(0, prevCounts[i] - sizeLow)
maxHigh = min(sizeHigh, prevCounts[i])
currentPossiblePairs = zip(range(minLow, maxLow + 1), reversed(range(minHigh, maxHigh + 1)))
#Interleave the pairs in possiblePairs back into the structure that prevCounts uses.
for item in itertools.product(*possiblePairs):
allPossibleCounts.append([pair[0] for pair in item] + [pair[1] for pair in item])
#satisfyingCounts holds everything in allPossibleCounts that leads to a sum congruent with goal (mod m)
satisfyingCounts = []
for item in allPossibleCounts:
#There's no way this count could lead to a solution
if sum(item) < max(1, minToTake):
#Modular addition stuff.
sumCounts = 0
for k in range(m):
sumCounts += k * item[k]
if sumCounts % m == goalModM:
#Decide whether or not to look for solutions directly or further reduce the solution space
possibleSolutions = functools.reduce(operator.mul, [ncr(self.setModKey[m][k], item[k]) for k in range(m)], 1)
if possibleSolutions < self.directCheckThresh:
solution = self.solveDirectly(goal, item)
if solution is not None:
return solution
if len(satisfyingCounts) == 0:
return None
#Recurse or bottom out and look for solutions with what we have.
if m * 2 in self.setModKey.keys():
for possibleCounts in satisfyingCounts:
solution = self.satisfySetForM(goal, possibleCounts, m * 2, minToTake)
if solution is not None:
return solution
for possibleCounts in satisfyingCounts:
solution = self.solveDirectly(goal, possibleCounts)
if solution is not None:
return solution
return None
s = [5323497, 1375142, 7914384, 6328621, 3197911, 3171174, 1041349, 393355, 6351908, 5438485, 6818284, 1688390, 9648209, 6947185, 1398236, 9830772, 6815854, 4714851, 4595166, 3748144, 1289680, 2434376, 4300956, 9292527, 6518238]
goal = 77016837
from time import time
print('Starting proposed solver.')
startTime = time()
solver = SubsetSumSolver(s)
print('Solution: {}'.format(sorted(solver.solve(goal))))
print('Elapsed time for proposed solver: {}\n'.format(time() - startTime))
print('Starting dynamic programming solver')
startTime = time()
print('Solution: {}'.format(sorted(subsetsum(s, goal))))
print('Elapsed time for dynamic programming solution: {}'.format(time() - startTime))
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