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Created February 13, 2016 05:25
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Convert roman numerals to a number
import unittest
import re
class RomanToNumberConverter:
# Validate that the input may even be processed.
def validate(self, roman):
if type(roman) is not str:
raise ValueError("You must provide a string.")
if roman == '':
raise ValueError("An empty string was provided.")
if len(roman) > 25:
raise ValueError("Input string is over 25 characters.")
roman = roman.upper()
if not re.match('[IVXLCDM]+', roman):
raise ValueError("Invalid roman numerals: " + roman)
# Convert roman numerals to individual numbers to be summed up, like:
# "DLXXXIX" -> [500, 50, 10, 10, 10, 9]
# Subtract elements are grouped together into one number like "IX" -> 9.
def split_roman_to_numbers(self, roman):
numerals = {'I': 1, 'V': 5, 'X': 10, 'L': 50,
'C': 100, 'D': 500, 'M': 1000}
parts = []
i = 0
while i < len(roman):
# Subtractions can only go back one character, be careful not to go
# beyond the end when looking for double letter combination.
a, b = numerals[roman[i]], 0
if i < len(roman) - 1:
b = numerals[roman[i + 1]]
# A subtraction uses two characters so we should skip then next one.
this = a
if a < b:
this = b - a
i += 1
i += 1
return parts
# Roman numbers must have the hundreds, tens and ones grouped separately.
# Make sure the numerals are in this sequence and that the total is in an
# acceptable range.
def validated_total(self, roman, numbers):
if numbers != sorted(numbers, reverse=True):
raise ValueError('Invalid roman numerals: ' + roman)
total = sum(numbers)
if total > 1000:
raise ValueError("Number is larger than 1000.")
return total
# Convert roman numbers to a number.
def roman_to_number(self, roman):
roman = roman.upper()
numbers = self.split_roman_to_numbers(roman)
return self.validated_total(roman, numbers)
class TestRomanToNumber(unittest.TestCase):
def assertError(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
converter = RomanToNumberConverter()
converter.roman_to_number(*args, **kwargs)
except ValueError as e:
self.assertEqual(e.message, msg)
def test_P_is_invalid(self):
self.assertError('Invalid roman numerals: P', 'P')
def test_blank_string(self):
self.assertError('An empty string was provided.', '')
def test_invalid_type(self):
self.assertError('You must provide a string.', 123)
def test_string_too_long(self):
self.assertError('Input string is over 25 characters.', 'I' * 26)
def test_Z_is_invalid(self):
self.assertError('Invalid roman numerals: Z', 'Z')
def test_always_convert_to_upper_case(self):
self.assertError('Invalid roman numerals: U', 'u')
def assertResult(self, roman, number):
converter = RomanToNumberConverter()
result = converter.roman_to_number(roman)
self.assertEquals(result, number)
def test_I_is_1(self):
self.assertResult('I', 1)
def test_II_is_2(self):
self.assertResult('II', 2)
def test_V_is_5(self):
self.assertResult('V', 5)
def test_v_is_5(self):
self.assertResult('v', 5)
def test_VI_is_6(self):
self.assertResult('VI', 6)
def test_VII_is_7(self):
self.assertResult('VII', 7)
def test_X_is_10(self):
self.assertResult('X', 10)
def test_L_is_50(self):
self.assertResult('L', 50)
def test_C_is_100(self):
self.assertResult('C', 100)
def test_D_is_500(self):
self.assertResult('D', 500)
def test_M_is_1000(self):
self.assertResult('M', 1000)
def test_IV_is_4(self):
self.assertResult('IV', 4)
def test_IX_is_9(self):
self.assertResult('IX', 9)
def test_XL_is_40(self):
self.assertResult('XL', 40)
def test_XIX_is_19(self):
self.assertResult('XIX', 19)
def test_MI_is_to_large(self):
self.assertError('Number is larger than 1000.', 'MI')
def test_IXL_is_invalid(self):
self.assertError('Invalid roman numerals: IXL', 'IXL')
def test_all(self):
ones = ('', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX')
tens = ('', 'X', 'XX', 'XXX', 'XL', 'L', 'LX', 'LXX', 'LXXX', 'XC')
huns = ('', 'C', 'CC', 'CCC', 'CD', 'D', 'DC', 'DCC', 'DCCC', 'CM')
i = 0
for h in huns:
for t in tens:
for o in ones:
if i > 0:
self.assertResult(h + t + o, i)
i += 1
# This will run the unit tests
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