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Last active November 2, 2021 06:20
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Save elliotchance/8215283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Easily customise how verbose googletest is with unit test results.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace testing;
class ConfigurableEventListener : public TestEventListener
TestEventListener* eventListener;
* Show the names of each test case.
bool showTestCases;
* Show the names of each test.
bool showTestNames;
* Show each success.
bool showSuccesses;
* Show each failure as it occurs. You will also see it at the bottom after the full suite is run.
bool showInlineFailures;
* Show the setup of the global environment.
bool showEnvironment;
explicit ConfigurableEventListener(TestEventListener* theEventListener) : eventListener(theEventListener)
showTestCases = true;
showTestNames = true;
showSuccesses = true;
showInlineFailures = true;
showEnvironment = true;
virtual ~ConfigurableEventListener()
delete eventListener;
virtual void OnTestProgramStart(const UnitTest& unit_test)
virtual void OnTestIterationStart(const UnitTest& unit_test, int iteration)
eventListener->OnTestIterationStart(unit_test, iteration);
virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpStart(const UnitTest& unit_test)
if(showEnvironment) {
virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test)
if(showEnvironment) {
virtual void OnTestCaseStart(const TestCase& test_case)
if(showTestCases) {
virtual void OnTestStart(const TestInfo& test_info)
if(showTestNames) {
virtual void OnTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result)
virtual void OnTestEnd(const TestInfo& test_info)
if((showInlineFailures && test_info.result()->Failed()) || (showSuccesses && !test_info.result()->Failed())) {
virtual void OnTestCaseEnd(const TestCase& test_case)
if(showTestCases) {
virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownStart(const UnitTest& unit_test)
if(showEnvironment) {
virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test)
if(showEnvironment) {
virtual void OnTestIterationEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test, int iteration)
eventListener->OnTestIterationEnd(unit_test, iteration);
virtual void OnTestProgramEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// initialize
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
// remove the default listener
testing::TestEventListeners& listeners = testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners();
auto default_printer = listeners.Release(listeners.default_result_printer());
// add our listener, by default everything is on (the same as using the default listener)
// here I am turning everything off so I only see the 3 lines for the result
// (plus any failures at the end), like:
// [==========] Running 149 tests from 53 test cases.
// [==========] 149 tests from 53 test cases ran. (1 ms total)
// [ PASSED ] 149 tests.
ConfigurableEventListener *listener = new ConfigurableEventListener(default_printer);
listener->showEnvironment = false;
listener->showTestCases = false;
listener->showTestNames = false;
listener->showSuccesses = false;
listener->showInlineFailures = false;
// run
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
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Thank you for sharing this!

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Thanks, this is very handy!

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After running this on Valgrind, I noticed a memory leak. To fix it, you just need to make the destructor like so -

virtual ~ConfigurableEventListener()
    delete eventListener;

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Anybody know how to get this to compile using gcc 5.3? (Having problems with the auto keyword, and yes I have added -std=c++11x)

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jaredsburrows commented Jul 6, 2016

Thanks for posting this!


If you like builders:

    auto *listener = ConfigurableEventListener::Builder(default_printer)


#include "gtest/gtest.h"

using namespace testing;

class ConfigurableEventListener : public TestEventListener {

        TestEventListener* eventListener;

         * Show test program start/end.
        const bool showProgramStartEnd = false;

         * Show test iterations start/end.
        const bool showIterationsStartEnd = false;

         * Show the names of each test case.
        const bool showTestCases = false;

         * Show the names of each test.
        const bool showTestNames = false;

         * Show each success.
        const bool showSuccesses = false;

         * Show each failure.
        const bool showFailures = false;

         * Show each failure as it occurs. You will also see it at the bottom after the full suite is run.
        const bool showInlineFailures = false;

         * Show the setup of the global environment.
        const bool showEnvironment = false;

        ConfigurableEventListener(TestEventListener* eventListener, const bool showProgramStartEnd,
                                  const bool showIterationsStartEnd, const bool showTestCases,
                                  const bool showTestNames, const bool showSuccesses,
                                  const bool showFailures, const bool showInlineFailures,
                                  const bool showEnvironment)
                                  : eventListener(eventListener), showProgramStartEnd(showProgramStartEnd),
                                  showIterationsStartEnd(showIterationsStartEnd), showTestCases(showTestCases),
                                  showTestNames(showTestNames), showSuccesses(showSuccesses),
                                  showFailures(showFailures), showInlineFailures(showInlineFailures),
                                  showEnvironment(showEnvironment) { }

        class Builder;

        virtual ~ConfigurableEventListener() override {
            delete this->eventListener;

        // Fired before any test activity starts.
        virtual void OnTestProgramStart(const UnitTest& unit_test) override {
            if (this->showProgramStartEnd) {

        // Fired before each iteration of tests starts.  There may be more than
        // one iteration if GTEST_FLAG(repeat) is set. iteration is the iteration
        // index, starting from 0.
        virtual void OnTestIterationStart(const UnitTest& unit_test, int iteration) override {
            if (this->showIterationsStartEnd) {
                this->eventListener->OnTestIterationStart(unit_test, iteration);

        // Fired before environment set-up for each iteration of tests starts.
        virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpStart(const UnitTest& unit_test) override {
            if (this->showEnvironment) {

        // Fired after environment set-up for each iteration of tests ends.
        virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test) override {
            if (this->showEnvironment) {

        // Fired before the test case starts.
        virtual void OnTestCaseStart(const TestCase& test_case) override {
            if (this->showTestCases) {

        // Fired before the test starts.
        virtual void OnTestStart(const TestInfo& test_info) override {
            if (this->showTestNames) {

        // Fired after a failed assertion or a SUCCEED() invocation.
        virtual void OnTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result) override {
            if (this->showSuccesses && result.passed()) {

            if (this->showFailures && result.failed()) {

        // Fired after the test ends.
        virtual void OnTestEnd(const TestInfo& test_info) override {
            if ((this->showInlineFailures && test_info.result()->Failed())
                    || (this->showSuccesses && !test_info.result()->Failed())) {

        // Fired after the test case ends.
        virtual void OnTestCaseEnd(const TestCase& test_case) override {
            if (this->showTestCases) {

        // Fired before environment tear-down for each iteration of tests starts.
        virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownStart(const UnitTest& unit_test) override {
            if (this->showEnvironment) {

        // Fired after environment tear-down for each iteration of tests ends.
        virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test) override {
            if (this->showEnvironment) {

        // Fired after each iteration of tests finishes.
        virtual void OnTestIterationEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test, int iteration) override {
            if (this->showIterationsStartEnd) {
                this->eventListener->OnTestIterationEnd(unit_test, iteration);

        // Fired after all test activities have ended.
        virtual void OnTestProgramEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test) override {
            if (this->showProgramStartEnd) {

class ConfigurableEventListener::Builder {
        TestEventListener* eventListener;
        bool programStartEnd = false;
        bool iterationsStartEnd = false;
        bool testCases = false;
        bool testNames = false;
        bool successes = false;
        bool failures = false;
        bool inlineFailures = false;
        bool environment = false;

        Builder(TestEventListener* eventListener) {
            this->eventListener = eventListener;

        Builder showProgramStartEnd() {
            this->programStartEnd = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showIterationsStartEnd() {
            this->iterationsStartEnd = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showTestCases() {
            this->testCases = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showTestNames() {
            this->testNames = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showSuccesses() {
            this->successes = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showFailures() {
            this->failures = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showInlineFailures() {
            this->inlineFailures = true;
            return *this;

        Builder showEnvironment() {
            this->environment = true;
            return *this;

        ConfigurableEventListener* build() {
            return new ConfigurableEventListener(this->eventListener, this->programStartEnd, this->iterationsStartEnd,
                        this->testCases, this->testNames, this->successes, this->failures, this->inlineFailures,

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SimonZimmer commented Mar 4, 2020

Hey there and thanks so much for posting this!

It really helped me out with my current project.
I have one very tiny suggestion concerning the OnTestEnd:

If you use the GTEST_SKIP() Macro in your test cases to skip tests during run time, a third state "Skipped()" will be returned by test_info.result() which is neither Passed() or Failed().

In this case it might be useful to introduce a new boolean showSkips and to extend the OnTestEnd from

if((showInlineFailures && test_info.result()->Failed()) || (showSuccesses && !test_info.result()->Failed())) { eventListener->OnTestEnd(test_info); }

if((showInlineFailures && test_info.result()->Failed()) || (showSuccesses && test_info.result()->Passed()) || (showSkips && test_info.result()->Skipped())){ eventListener->OnTestEnd(test_info); }

That way, every three possible states are defined and can be toggled on/off separately.
Just thought I put this in here, in case someone is looking for this.


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