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Created January 3, 2019 13:27
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#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
bool has_value;
int value;
} maybe_int;
typedef struct {
unsigned count;
maybe_int value;
} rc_maybe_int;
typedef struct {
rc_maybe_int* ptr;
} future_int;
// Create a new future int which will be filled at some point
future_int make_future_int() {
future_int fut;
fut.ptr = malloc(sizeof(rc_maybe_int));
fut.ptr->count = 1;
fut.ptr->value.has_value = false;
fut.ptr->value.value = -42;
return fut;
// Create a new future int which is already filled with the given value
future_int make_now_int(int val) {
future_int fut;
fut.ptr = malloc(sizeof(rc_maybe_int));
fut.ptr->count = 1;
fut.ptr->value.has_value = true;
fut.ptr->value.value = val;
return fut;
// Anticipate the value of a future in, i.e. copy it
future_int anticipate(future_int f) {
return f;
// Check if the future int has had it's value filled or not
bool is_ready(future_int f) {
return f.ptr->value.has_value;
// Return the value of a filled future int
int get_value(future_int f) {
return f.ptr->value.value;
// Fulil a future by giving it a value
void put_value(future_int f, int val) {
f.ptr->value.has_value = true;
f.ptr->value.value = val;
// Release a future
void release(future_int* f) {
if(f->ptr->count == 0) {
f->ptr = 0;
// Architectural registers
typedef enum { REG_G0, REG_G1, REG_G2, REG_G3, REG_G4, REG_G5, REG_SIZE } REG;
// Operand for a not-yet-issued (aka static) instruction
typedef struct {
bool is_immediate;
union {
REG src;
int value;
} statik_op;
statik_op imm(int val) {
statik_op op;
op.is_immediate = true;
op.value = val;
return op;
statik_op reg(REG r) {
statik_op op;
op.is_immediate = false;
op.src = r;
return op;
typedef enum { OC_ADD, OC_MUL } OC;
// A not yet issued instruction
typedef struct {
OC opcode;
REG dst;
statik_op lhs;
statik_op rhs;
} statik_insn;
// An issued instruction
typedef struct {
OC opcode;
future_int result;
future_int lhs;
future_int rhs;
} issued_insn;
// Reorder buffer entry
typedef struct {
future_int value;
REG dst;
} writeback;
// Commitment register file
int crf[REG_SIZE];
// Register alias table
future_int rat[REG_SIZE];
// Instruction window
statik_insn insn_wnd[4];
// Reservation station
issued_insn res_stn[4];
// Reorder buffer
writeback rob[4];
// Resolve a static operand to a future by reading the register alias table
future_int resolve_statik(statik_op op) {
if (op.is_immediate) {
return make_now_int(op.value);
} else {
return anticipate(rat[op.src]);
void initialize() {
printf("Enter single character seed: ");
for(unsigned i = 0; i < REG_SIZE; i++) {
crf[i] = i;
rat[i] = make_now_int(i);
// issue instruction at index i from the instruction window
void issue(unsigned i) {
// Fill reservation station
res_stn[i] = (issued_insn) {
.opcode = insn_wnd[i].opcode,
.result = make_future_int(),
.lhs = resolve_statik(insn_wnd[i].lhs),
.rhs = resolve_statik(insn_wnd[i].rhs)
rat[insn_wnd[i].dst] = anticipate(res_stn[i].result);
rob[i] = (writeback) {
.value = anticipate(res_stn[i].result),
.dst = insn_wnd[i].dst
// execute instruction at index i in the resevation station
void execute(unsigned i) {
if (is_ready(res_stn[i].lhs)
&& is_ready(res_stn[i].rhs)) {
switch(res_stn[i].opcode) {
case OC_ADD:
+ get_value(res_stn[i].rhs)
case OC_MUL:
* get_value(res_stn[i].rhs)
// Commit the writeback at index i of the reorder buffer
void commit(unsigned i) {
crf[rob[i].dst] = get_value(rob[i].value);
// [min, max]
int random(int min, int max){
return min + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (max - min + 1) + 1);
int main() {
insn_wnd[0] = (statik_insn) {.opcode = OC_MUL, .lhs = imm(42), .rhs = reg(REG_G2), .dst = REG_G0}; // g0 <- 42 * 2
insn_wnd[1] = (statik_insn) {.opcode = OC_ADD, .lhs = reg(REG_G0), .rhs = reg(REG_G3), .dst = REG_G4}; // g4 <- 84 + 3
insn_wnd[2] = (statik_insn) {.opcode = OC_MUL, .lhs = reg(REG_G4), .rhs = reg(REG_G2), .dst = REG_G1}; // g1 <- 87 * 2
insn_wnd[3] = (statik_insn) {.opcode = OC_ADD, .lhs = reg(REG_G1), .rhs = reg(REG_G1), .dst = REG_G1}; // g1 <- 174 + 174
// Issue in-order
bool all_finished = true;
do {
// Execute in random order
unsigned to_exe = random(0, 3);
printf("Executing insn#%d\n", to_exe);
all_finished = true;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
all_finished &= is_ready(res_stn[i].result);
} while (!all_finished);
// Commit in-order
// Print results
for(unsigned i = 0; i < REG_SIZE; i++) {
printf("g%d = %d\n", i, crf[i]);
return 0;
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