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Last active May 14, 2022 05:24
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Solving SEND+MORE=MONEY rapidly using backtracking search
# Solves the SEND + MORE = MONEY letter substituion puzzle as a constraint satisfaction problem using backtracking search,
# searching variables (letters) in the least constrained ordering and values (digits) in the most constrained ordering,
# making the algorithm thousands of times faster.
from pprint import pprint
s1 = 'send'
s2 = 'more'
s3 = 'money'
chars = list(set(s1+s2+s3))
chars.sort() # So that the order is not random.
def add(a1, a2):
l = len(a1)
result = [None] * l
carry = 0
for i in reversed(range(l)):
if a1[i] is None or a2[i] is None:
carry = 0
result[i] = a1[i] + a2[i] + carry
if result[i] >= 10:
result[i] -= 10
carry = 1
carry = 0
if a1[0] is None or a2[0] is None:
return [None] + result
return [carry] + result
def replace(string, mapping):
return [ mapping.get(string[i], None) for i in range(len(string)) ]
def matches(result1, result2):
for i, v1 in enumerate(result1):
v2 = result2[i]
if v2 != v1 and v2 is not None and v1 is not None and \
not(i+1 < len(result2) and result2[i+1] is None and v1 == v2 + 1):
return False
return True
def value_count(mapping, c):
m = dict(mapping)
count = 0
for i in possible_values(mapping):
m[c] = i
if is_valid(m):
count += 1
return count
def most_restrained_variable(mapping):
min_count = 10000
vals = [ mapping[key] for key in mapping ]
result = None
for c in chars:
if c not in mapping:
count = value_count(mapping, c)
if count < min_count:
min_count = count
result = c
return result
def possible_values(mapping):
vals = [mapping[key] for key in mapping]
for i in range(10):
if i not in vals:
yield i
def least_constrained_ordering(mapping, c):
def howgood(i):
m = dict(mapping)
m[c] = i
return value_count(m, most_restrained_variable(m))
ordering = list(possible_values(mapping))
return reversed(ordering)
def is_valid(mapping):
# Verify that the mapping does not start with 0.
if mapping.get(s3[0], None) == 0:
return False
# Check that the mapping is arithmetically correct.
summ = add(replace(s1, mapping), replace(s2, mapping))
return matches(replace(s3, mapping), summ)
def solver(mapping):
if not is_valid(mapping):
return False
mapping = dict(mapping)
if len(mapping) == len(chars):
c = most_restrained_variable(mapping)
for i in least_constrained_ordering(mapping, c):
mapping[c] = i
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The output should stop at done right?

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