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Created February 23, 2012 13:13
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Riot's Servor Script
puts `pwd`
Dir.chdir File.dirname(__FILE__)
puts `pwd`
# Servor client for @theriothq.
# Be careful moving things up and down as some strings cause deadlocks.
# I don't know why, but I imagine it's something to do with memory
# conflicts as we're adding callbacks to asynch code. Bit funny.
require 'xmpp4r/client'
include Jabber
Dir.chdir File.dirname(__FILE__)
# initialize critical variables
jid = ""
password = "" # as if we'd tell you
mainthread = Thread.current
boner_count = 0
# Tell the service we're online
@client =
# Output to stdout real quick
puts "Connected ! send messages to #{jid.strip.to_s}."
@jaconda = ""
def say(message)
@client.send, message.dup.to_s)
# Let the guys know
# say "Servor is alive and ready to do your bidding!"
# This is our thing.
@client.add_message_callback do |message|
if message.type != :error
# Let's hope nobody else messages us...
@jaconda = message.from
body = message.body.to_s.clone
# I imagine this is a fairly self-explanatory line.
boner_count += body.scan('boner').length
# Messages start with "My name: " so let's remove that
first_colon = body.index(':').to_i + 2
# and get their actual message
text = body[first_colon..-1].to_s
# If we start with "servor," everything else is a command. If it's open X, we open x.
if text.downcase[0..14] == "servor, volume "
volume = text.downcase[15]
if volume.to_i > 6
say ["That's probably a bit much.", "I don't think Knight Frank would appreciate that.", "At this hour?", "No way, dude."].shuffle.first
`osascript -e 'set volume #{volume}'`
elsif text.downcase[0..11] == "servor, run "
say "Say please."
elsif text.downcase[0..18] == "servor, please run "
command = text[19..-1].to_s.clone
if command.match('rm -rf')
say "I don't think that's a great idea."
say `#{command}`
elsif text.downcase[0..13] == "servor, fetch "
file = text[14..-1]
`curl -u #{ENV['jaconda_username']} -F "upload[file]=@#{file}"`
elsif text.downcase[0..13] == "hey, servor"
say "Heyaaa!"
elsif text.downcase[0..13] == "thanks, servor"
say "My pleasure :)"
elsif text.downcase[0..12] == 'servor, open '
say ["Okey doke!", "Just a second!", "Opening it now!", "Your wish is my command."].shuffle.first
`open #{text[13..-1]}`
elsif text[-8..-1] == ", servor"
response = [
"That's what I was thinking.",
"Hmm, I think you're right.",
"Probably, yeah"
say response
elsif text.downcase[0..7] == 'servor, '
command = text[8..-1]
# This is the main list of "servor," commands. Add more if you like.
case command
when "smudge"
`afplay -v 5 smudge.mp3`
when "charge"
`afplay charge.mp3`
when "warface"
`afplay warface.mp3`
when "how you doing?"
say "Here's my vital statistics, friend: #{`uptime`}"
when "how you feeling?"
say "I'm feeling pretty good!"
when "boner count?"
say "Boner count so far: #{boner_count}"
when "what song is this?"
say `osascript -s o song.scpt`
when "next"
`osascript next.scpt`
when "previous"
`osascript previous.scpt`
when "pause"
`osascript playpause.scpt`
when "play"
`osascript playpause.scpt`
when "unpause"
`osascript playpause.scpt`
when "quieter"
`osascript -e 'set volume 1'`
when "quiet"
`osascript -e 'set volume 2'`
when "unquiet"
`osascript -e 'set volume 3'`
when "loud"
`osascript -e 'set volume 5'`
when "partymode"
say "Really?"
when "partymode --really"
`osascript -e 'set volume 7'`
when "no!"
`osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to key code 53'`
when "close"
`osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "w" using command down'`
`open -a Plainview`
when "dashboard"
`open -a Plainview`
rescue => exception
puts exception.inspect
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