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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save elliottkember/c626c518a62ac39a927a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elliottkember/c626c518a62ac39a927a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
When clicked, a layer can have an alternate image, an alternate background color, or an overlay!
Layer.define "alternateBackgroundColor",
exportable: true
default: ""
get: ->
@_getPropertyValue "alternateBackgroundColor"
set: (alternateBackgroundColor) ->
return if alternateBackgroundColor == @_getPropertyValue "alternateBackgroundColor"
@_setPropertyValue "alternateBackgroundColor", alternateBackgroundColor
originalBackgroundColor = @backgroundColor
@off Events.TouchStart, @alternateBackgroundColorTouchStartEvent if @alternateBackgroundColorTouchStartEvent
@on Events.TouchStart, =>
@style["backgroundColor"] = alternateBackgroundColor
@off Events.TouchEnd, @alternateBackgroundColorTouchEndEvent if @alternateBackgroundColorTouchEndEvent
@on Events.TouchEnd, =>
@style["backgroundColor"] = originalBackgroundColor
Layer.define "alternateImage",
exportable: true
default: ""
get: ->
@_getPropertyValue "alternateImage"
set: (imageUrl) ->
currentValue = @_getPropertyValue "alternateImage"
return @emit "load" if currentValue == imageUrl
# If the file is local, we want to avoid caching
if Utils.isLocal() and not imageUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//)
imageUrl += "?nocache=#{}"
@_setPropertyValue "alternateImage", imageUrl
@off Events.TouchStart, @alternateImageTouchStartEvent if @alternateImageTouchStartEvent
@on Events.TouchStart, @alternateImageTouchStartEvent = =>
@style["background-image"] = "url('#{@alternateImage}')"
@off Events.TouchEnd, @alternateImageTouchEndEvent if @alternateImageTouchEndEvent
@on Events.TouchEnd, @alternateImageTouchEndEvent = =>
imageUrl = @image
if Utils.isLocal() and not imageUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//)
imageUrl += "?nocache=#{}"
@style["background-image"] = "url('#{imageUrl}')"
Layer.define "clickOverlayColor",
exportable: true
default: ""
get: ->
@_getPropertyValue "clickOverlayColor"
set: (color) ->
return if color == @_getPropertyValue "clickOverlayColor"
@_setPropertyValue "clickOverlayColor", color
@off Events.TouchStart, @clickOverlayTouchStartEvent if @clickOverlayTouchStartEvent
@on Events.TouchStart, @clickOverlayTouchStartEvent = =>
@hover = new Layer x: 0, y: 0, width: @width, height: @height, superLayer: @, opacity: 0.5
@hover.backgroundColor = color
@off Events.TouchStart, @clickOverlayTouchEndEvent if @clickOverlayTouchEndEvent
@on Events.TouchEnd, @clickOverlayTouchEndEvent = =>
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