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Created March 7, 2014 01:11
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Save elliottsj/9403137 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CSC209 Assignment 2
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "data.h"
// based on code from:
const char *to_binary(int x) {
static char bits[17];
bits[0] = '\0';
int z;
for (z = 1 << 15; z > 0; z >>= 1) {
strcat(bits, ((x & z) == z) ? "1" : "0");
return bits;
Process one bit of the message.
reg: register (modified by this function)
key: CRC16 key being used
next_bit: next bit of message
void crc_bit(unsigned short *reg, unsigned int key, unsigned int next_bit) {
int sig_bit = *reg >> 15;
*reg = (*reg << 1) | next_bit;
if (sig_bit)
*reg ^= key;
Process one byte of the message.
reg: register (modified by this function)
key: CRC16 key being used
next_byte: next byte of message
void crc_byte(unsigned short *reg, unsigned int key, unsigned char next_byte) {
int i;
for (i = 8 * sizeof(next_byte) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Iterate in reverse to start with the most significant bit
unsigned int next_bit = (next_byte >> i) & 1;
crc_bit(reg, key, next_bit);
Process an entire message using CRC16 and return the CRC.
key: CRC16 key being used
message: message for which we are calculating the CRC.
num_bytes: size of the message in bytes.
unsigned short crc_message(unsigned int key, unsigned char *message, unsigned int num_bytes) {
unsigned short reg = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++)
crc_byte(&reg, key, message[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
crc_bit(&reg, key, 0);
return reg;
/*testing code*/
//int main(void) {
// unsigned short reg = 0;
// crc_byte(&reg, XMODEM_KEY, 0x64);
// // Expecting *reg == 0x2c22 == 11298
// unsigned short crc16 = crc_message(XMODEM_KEY, "d", 1);
// printf("%s\n", to_binary(crc16));
// return 0;
/* Functions and type declarations for the CRC code */
#define XMODEM_KEY 0x1021
unsigned short crc_message(unsigned int key, unsigned char *message, unsigned int num_bytes);
/* Function and type declarations for packets */
#define MAXSIZE 256
struct packet {
unsigned short block_num;
unsigned short block_size;
unsigned short crc;
unsigned char *payload;
/* Packet function declarations */
unsigned char *create_block();
struct packet *create_empty_packet();
struct packet *create_packet(unsigned short block_num, unsigned short block_size, unsigned short crc, unsigned char *payload);
/* Function and type declaration for list of packets */
struct list {
struct packet p;
struct list *next;
/* List function declarations */
void print_list(struct list *head);
struct list *create_node(struct packet *packet);
struct list *create_block_node(unsigned short block_size, unsigned short crc, unsigned char *payload);
struct list *add_packet(struct list *node, struct packet *packet);
struct list *add_block(struct list *node, unsigned short block_size, unsigned short crc, unsigned char *payload);
struct list *insert_packet_in_order(struct list **head, struct packet *packet);
void free_node(struct list *node);
void free_list(struct list *head);
/* Log messages */
#define INSERTED 0
#define CRC_MATCH 1
#define CRC_NO_MATCH 2
#define DUPLICATE 3
/* logfp is a global variable because it is used inside other functions.
* We could pass it in as a parameter to the functions that call log_message
* but since it is nice to see the logging happen in the background, it seems
* reasonable to make the file pointer a global variable.
extern FILE *logfp;
void log_message(struct packet *p, int message_no, FILE *logfp);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "data.h"
char *messages[] = {
"inserted packet",
"CRC code matches",
"CRC code does not match",
"duplicate block"
void log_message(struct packet *p, int message_no, FILE *logfp) {
if (logfp != NULL)
fprintf(logfp, "%hu\t%hu\t%s\n", p->block_num, p->block_size, messages[message_no]);
* Print the packet and payload contained in the specified node to stdout.
void print_node(struct list *node) {
printf("%.*s", node->p.block_size, node->p.payload);
* Print each node in the linked list with the specified head.
void print_list(struct list *head) {
struct list *current = head;
unsigned int previous_block_num = 0;
while (current != NULL) {
// Print "###" for each missing packet
int i;
for (i = previous_block_num; i < current->p.block_num; i++)
// Print the current node
// Advance to the next node
previous_block_num = current->p.block_num;
current = current->next;
* Allocate memory for a payload block and return it.
unsigned char *create_block() {
unsigned char *block = malloc(MAXSIZE);
if (block == NULL) {
perror("malloc: failed to allocate block");
return block;
* Allocate memory for a new packet and return it.
struct packet *create_empty_packet() {
struct packet *packet = malloc(sizeof(struct packet));
if (packet == NULL) {
perror("malloc: failed to allocate packet");
return packet;
* Allocate memory for a new packet, set its properties, and return it.
struct packet *create_packet(unsigned short block_num,
unsigned short block_size,
unsigned short crc,
unsigned char *payload) {
struct packet *packet = create_empty_packet();
packet->block_num = block_num;
packet->block_size = block_size;
packet->crc = crc;
packet->payload = payload;
return packet;
* Create and return a new node with the specified packet
struct list *create_node(struct packet *packet) {
struct list *node = malloc(sizeof(struct list));
if (node == NULL) {
perror("malloc: failed to allocate node");
node->p = *packet;
node->next = NULL;
return node;
* Create and return a new node with a packet created from the specified block parameters.
struct list *create_block_node(unsigned short block_size, unsigned short crc, unsigned char *payload) {
struct packet *packet = create_packet(0, block_size, crc, payload);
struct list *node = create_node(packet);
return node;
* Add the specified packet as a new node after the specified node and return the newly-created node.
struct list *add_packet(struct list *node, struct packet *packet) {
return (node->next = create_node(packet));
* Construct a packet from the specified parameters,
* add it as the next node to the specified node and return the newly-created node.
struct list *add_block(struct list *node, unsigned short block_size, unsigned short crc, unsigned char *payload) {
struct packet *packet = create_packet(node->p.block_num + 1, block_size, crc, payload);
struct list *new_node = add_packet(node, packet);
return new_node;
* Insert the specified packet into the linked list with the specified head, in order of block_num.
* Return the newly-inserted node.
struct list *insert_packet_in_order(struct list **head, struct packet *packet) {
struct list *current = *head;
struct list *previous = NULL;
while (current != NULL) {
if (current->p.block_num == packet->block_num) {
// Duplicate block found; log message
log_message(packet, 3, logfp);
// Create new node to replace the current node
struct list *node = create_node(packet);
node->next = current->next;
if (previous != NULL) {
// Insert the packet between the previous node and the current node
previous->next = node;
} else {
// Insert the packet at the head of the list
*head = node;
// Free the lost node
// Done inserting this packet
return node;
} else if (current->p.block_num > packet->block_num) {
// Current node's block_num > packet->block_num
struct list *node = create_node(packet);
node->next = current;
if (previous != NULL) {
// Insert the packet between the previous node and the current node
previous->next = node;
} else {
// Insert the packet at the head of the list
*head = node;
return node;
} else {
// Current node has block_num < packet->block_num;
if (current->next != NULL) {
// Advance to next node
previous = current;
current = current->next;
} else {
// All existing nodes have block_num < packet->block_num; insert at end of list
return (current->next = create_node(packet));
return NULL;
* Frees dynamically-allocated memory used by the specified node.
void free_node(struct list *node) {
* Frees all dynamically-allocated memory used by the linked list with the specified head node.
void free_list(struct list *head) {
struct list *current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
struct list *next = current->next;
current = next;
# The first rule is what is executed when you run make with no arguments
# In this case it will build two programs.
all : packetize readstream
# The executable program depends on the .o files.
# The compile line links all the .o files together to create the executable.
packetize : packetize.o crc16.o list.o
gcc -Wall -g -o packetize packetize.o list.o crc16.o
readstream : readstream.o crc16.o list.o
gcc -Wall -g -o readstream readstream.o list.o crc16.o
# Each individual source file depends on itself plus the header file
# Each source file can be separately compiled to produce a .o file
# that will be linked together to create the executable.
crc16.o : crc16.c data.h
gcc -Wall -g -c crc16.c
list.o : list.c data.h
gcc -Wall -g -c list.c
packetize.o : packetize.c data.h
gcc -Wall -g -c packetize.c
readstream.o : readstream.c data.h
gcc -Wall -g -c readstream.c
clean :
rm *.o packetize readstream
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "data.h"
FILE *logfp = NULL;
* Create a linked list of packets from raw bytes in file infp and return the head of the list.
struct list *create_packet_list(FILE *infp) {
struct list *packets = NULL;
struct list *current = NULL;
// Allocate an extra byte for the null character
unsigned char *block = create_block();
unsigned short block_size;
while ((block_size = fread(block, sizeof(unsigned char), MAXSIZE, infp)) != 0) {
if (ferror(infp)) {
perror("fread: error reading block from file");
unsigned short crc = crc_message(XMODEM_KEY, block, (unsigned int) block_size);
if (packets == NULL) {
packets = create_block_node(block_size, crc, (unsigned char *) block);
current = packets;
} else {
// Add the block as a new node current->next
add_block(current, block_size, crc, (unsigned char *) block);
current = current->next;
block = create_block();
// Done creating list; free last block
return packets;
* Write each packet and payload in the specified linked list to the file outfp
void write_packet_list(FILE *outfp, struct list *packets) {
struct list *current = packets;
while (current != NULL) {
// Write the struct packet
fwrite(&(current->p), sizeof(struct packet), 1, outfp);
if (ferror(outfp)) {
perror("fread: error writing packet struct");
// Write the payload
fwrite(current->p.payload, sizeof(unsigned char), current->p.block_size, outfp);
if (ferror(outfp)) {
perror("fread: error writing payload");
current = current->next;
/* Read a file, break it into packets. */
* Notes: getopt is a useful library function to make it easier to read in
* command line arguments, especially those with options. Read the man page
* (man 3 getopt) for more information.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *infp = stdin;
FILE *outfp = NULL;
char opt;
extern int optind;
extern char *optarg;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "f:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'f':
infp = fopen(optarg, "r");
if(!infp) {
default: /* '?' */
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-f inputfile ] outputfile\n", argv[0]);
if (optind >= argc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected outputfile name\n");
if (!(outfp = fopen(argv[optind], "w"))){
// Read blocks from file and construct a linked list
struct list *packets = create_packet_list(infp);
// Write the linked list to file
write_packet_list(outfp, packets);
// Free memory used by the list
// Close files
if (fclose(infp)) {
perror("fclose: could not close infp");
if (fclose(outfp)) {
perror("fclose: could not close outfp");
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "data.h"
FILE *logfp = NULL;
* Create a linked list of packets from bytes in file infp previously written by packetize,
* and return the head of the list.
struct list *create_packet_list(FILE *infp) {
struct list *packets = NULL;
struct packet *packet = create_empty_packet();
// Read one packet at a time
while (fread(packet, sizeof(struct packet), 1, infp) != 0) {
if (ferror(infp)) {
perror("fread: error reading packet from file");
// Allocate and read the payload
packet->payload = malloc(packet->block_size);
if (packet->payload == NULL) {
perror("malloc: failed to allocate payload");
fread(packet->payload, packet->block_size, 1, infp);
if (ferror(infp)) {
perror("fread: error reading payload from file");
if (packet->crc != crc_message(XMODEM_KEY, packet->payload, packet->block_size)) {
// CRC mismatch; payload is corrupted; log message
log_message(packet, 2, logfp);
// Free memory for corrupt packet
} else {
// Report that the CRC matches
log_message(packet, 1, logfp);
// Add the valid packet to the list
if (packets == NULL) {
packets = create_node(packet);
} else {
// Insert the packet in the list in order of block_num, overwriting duplicates if necessary
insert_packet_in_order(&packets, packet);
// Report that the packet was inserted
log_message(packet, 0, logfp);
// Only a reference to the payload was stored in the list; block_num, block_size, crc were copied by value
// Therefore, we're done with the temporary packet struct
packet = create_empty_packet();
// Done creating list; free last packet
return packets;
/* Read a packet file, and coalesce packets */
* Print to stdout the reconstructed data. If a packet is missing, insert
* ### into the output
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *infp;
char opt;
extern int optind;
extern char *optarg;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "l:")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'l':
logfp = fopen(optarg, "w");
if(!logfp) {
default: /* '?' */
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-l logfile ] inputfile\n", argv[0]);
if (optind >= argc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected inputfile name\n");
if (argc != 2 && argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-l logfile ] inputfile\n", argv[0]);
if ((infp = fopen(argv[optind], "r")) == NULL) {
// Read packets from file and construct a linked list
struct list *packets = create_packet_list(infp);
// Print the list to stdout
// Free memory used by the list
// Close files
if (fclose(infp)) {
perror("fclose: could not close infp");
if (logfp != NULL && fclose(logfp)) {
perror("fclose: could not close logfp");
return 0;
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