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Created December 24, 2014 05:09
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  • Save elliottsj/eb719bfd0fec736143fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elliottsj/eb719bfd0fec736143fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ git push dokku
++ id -un
+ [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
+ [[ -n git-receive-pack 'scala-getting-started' ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ config-* ]]
+ /usr/local/bin/dokku git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
++ id -un
+ [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ case "$1" in
+ implemented=0
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/00_dokku-standard/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
+ continue
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/apps/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
+ continue
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/backup/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
+ continue
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/config/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ ENV_FILE='/home/dokku/'\''scala-getting-started'\''/ENV'
+ ENV_FILE_TEMP='/home/dokku/'\''scala-getting-started'\''/ENV.tmp'
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
+ continue
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/domains/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
+ continue
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/git/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ case "$1" in
++ sed 's/\\'\''/'\''/g'
++ perl -pe 's/(?<!\\)'\''//g'
++ echo ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ APP=scala-getting-started
+ APP_PATH=/home/dokku/scala-getting-started
+ [[ git-receive-pack == \g\i\t\-\r\e\c\e\i\v\e\-\p\a\c\k ]]
+ [[ ! -d /home/dokku/scala-getting-started/refs ]]
+ args='git-receive-pack '\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ git-shell -c 'git-receive-pack '\''scala-getting-started'\'''
Counting objects: 51, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (29/29), done.
Writing objects: 100% (51/51), 5.51 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 51 (delta 12), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: ++ id -un
remote: + [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + implemented=0
remote: + for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/00_dokku-standard/commands git-hook scala-getting-started
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + exit 10
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/apps/commands git-hook scala-getting-started
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + exit 10
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/backup/commands git-hook scala-getting-started
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + exit 10
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/config/commands git-hook scala-getting-started
remote: + ENV_FILE=/home/dokku/scala-getting-started/ENV
remote: + ENV_FILE_TEMP=/home/dokku/scala-getting-started/ENV.tmp
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + exit 10
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/domains/commands git-hook scala-getting-started
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + exit 10
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/git/commands git-hook scala-getting-started
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + APP=scala-getting-started
remote: + read oldrev newrev refname
remote: + [[ refs/heads/master = \r\e\f\s\/\h\e\a\d\s\/\m\a\s\t\e\r ]]
remote: + dokku receive scala-getting-started
remote: + git_archive_all scala-getting-started 37c64b5e6a28b3fec14cfecc3c6b9e552e8d5bc0
remote: + APP=scala-getting-started
remote: + REV=37c64b5e6a28b3fec14cfecc3c6b9e552e8d5bc0
remote: ++ mktemp -d
remote: + TMP_WORK_DIR=/tmp/tmp.oPYul46DIb
remote: + chmod 755 /tmp/tmp.oPYul46DIb
remote: ++ id -un
remote: + unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE
remote: + git clone -q /home/dokku/scala-getting-started /tmp/tmp.oPYul46DIb
remote: + [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + APP=scala-getting-started
remote: + IMAGE=dokku/scala-getting-started
remote: + echo '-----> Cleaning up ...'
-----> Cleaning up ...
remote: + dokku cleanup
remote: ++ id -un
remote: + [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + echo '-----> Building scala-getting-started ...'
-----> Building scala-getting-started ...
remote: + grep '<none>'
remote: + cat
remote: + dokku build scala-getting-started
remote: + awk '{print $3}'
remote: + docker images
remote: + xargs docker rm
remote: + xargs docker rmi
remote: + awk '{print $1}'
remote: + grep Exit
remote: + docker ps -a
remote: + pushd /tmp/tmp.oPYul46DIb
remote: + git config advice.detachedHead false
remote: ++ id -un
remote: + [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + APP=scala-getting-started
remote: + IMAGE=dokku/scala-getting-started
remote: + CACHE_DIR=/home/dokku/scala-getting-started/cache
remote: + git checkout 37c64b5e6a28b3fec14cfecc3c6b9e552e8d5bc0
remote: ++ cat
remote: ++ docker run -i -a stdin progrium/buildstep /bin/bash -c 'mkdir -p /app && tar -xC /app'
remote: + git submodule update --init --recursive
remote: + find -name .git -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
remote: + tar c .
remote: + popd
remote: + rm -rf /tmp/tmp.oPYul46DIb
remote: + id=5b8a322eba6ba9c1a748e6218a67feec8d9b14665dd56be152a39498fb02978b
remote: ++ docker wait 5b8a322eba6ba9c1a748e6218a67feec8d9b14665dd56be152a39498fb02978b
remote: + test 0 -eq 0
remote: + docker commit 5b8a322eba6ba9c1a748e6218a67feec8d9b14665dd56be152a39498fb02978b dokku/scala-getting-started
remote: + [[ -d /home/dokku/scala-getting-started/cache ]]
remote: + pluginhook pre-build scala-getting-started
remote: + APP=scala-getting-started
remote: + IMAGE=dokku/scala-getting-started
remote: + BUILD_ENV=
remote: + [[ -f /home/dokku/BUILD_ENV ]]
remote: + grep -q CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT /home/dokku/ENV
remote: + grep -q CURL_TIMEOUT /home/dokku/ENV
remote: + [[ -f /home/dokku/ENV ]]
remote: export CURL_TIMEOUT=30'
remote: + [[ -f /home/dokku/scala-getting-started/ENV ]]
remote: + [[ ! -z export CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5
remote: export CURL_TIMEOUT=30 ]]
remote: + echo '-----> Adding BUILD_ENV to build environment...'
-----> Adding BUILD_ENV to build environment...
remote: ++ sed 's@export @@g'
remote: ++ echo export CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5 export CURL_TIMEOUT=30
remote: +++ cat
remote: ++ docker run -i -a stdin dokku/scala-getting-started /bin/bash -c 'for ENV_VAR in CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5 CURL_TIMEOUT=30; do echo $ENV_VAR |sed '\''s@^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$@echo \"\2\" >/tmp/env/\1@g'\'' >>/tmp/; done && mkdir -p /tmp/env && /bin/bash /tmp/'
remote: + id=f5f160408a0689a6bf2fd688c17cd797b8f4daa3858368d8a19894be157083a5
remote: ++ docker wait f5f160408a0689a6bf2fd688c17cd797b8f4daa3858368d8a19894be157083a5
remote: + test 0 -eq 0
remote: + docker commit f5f160408a0689a6bf2fd688c17cd797b8f4daa3858368d8a19894be157083a5 dokku/scala-getting-started
remote: ++ docker run -i -a stdin dokku/scala-getting-started /bin/bash -c 'cat >> /app/.env'
remote: ++ echo 'export CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=5
remote: export CURL_TIMEOUT=30'
remote: + id=ce00d3a36350dc969d499778ec23f6f40f5362a903f45e6c8fc6c7b2c72cb482
remote: ++ docker wait ce00d3a36350dc969d499778ec23f6f40f5362a903f45e6c8fc6c7b2c72cb482
remote: + test 0 -eq 0
remote: + docker commit ce00d3a36350dc969d499778ec23f6f40f5362a903f45e6c8fc6c7b2c72cb482 dokku/scala-getting-started
remote: ++ docker run -d -v /home/dokku/scala-getting-started/cache:/cache dokku/scala-getting-started /build/builder
remote: + id=6d533bab78e92e9bf11826bfa70bc99dccc21fdaaec546e616f467b3671ed92f
remote: + docker attach 6d533bab78e92e9bf11826bfa70bc99dccc21fdaaec546e616f467b3671ed92f
-----> Scala app detected
remote: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
remote: tar: Child returned status 1
remote: tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
remote: + exit_code=2
remote: + set -e
remote: + '[' 2 -eq 10 ']'
remote: + implemented=1
remote: + '[' 2 -ne 0 ']'
remote: + exit 2
+ exit_code=0
+ set -e
+ '[' 0 -eq 10 ']'
+ implemented=1
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ for script in '$PLUGIN_PATH/*/commands'
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/nginx-vhosts/commands git-receive-pack ''\''scala-getting-started'\'''
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ '[' 10 -eq 10 ']'
+ continue
+ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
+ exit 0
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
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