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Created October 31, 2011 22:53
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  • Save elliotwoods/1329309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elliotwoods/1329309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP script to auto generate video previews for video files from 5D
// run this script from command line e.g.
// php compress.php > videos.html
// I really DO NOT suggest you try and load this php url in your browser
$nVideos = 0;
//these 2 variables are used to render an absolute path
//this is important for the the flash flv player
//the base url
$base_url = "";
//the path on your server where the base url points to
//we presume that the flv's are somewhere beneath this path
$base_path = "/home/kimchiandchips/kimchiandchips/";
function traverse($path) {
global $allhtml, $thishtml;
$d = dir($path);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
$fullpath = $path . "/" . $entry;
if (substr($fullpath,-1) == ".")
if (is_dir($fullpath))
if (substr($fullpath, -4) == ".MOV")
function compress ($path) {
global $nVideos;
$mov = $path;
$flv = substr($path, 0, -3) . "flv";
$jpg = substr($path, 0, -3) . "jpg";
shell_exec("ffmpeg -threads 1 -y -i \"" . $mov . "\" -s 1280x720 -f flv -vcodec flv -b 2000000 -ab 128000 -ar 44100 \"" . $flv . "\"");
$size = 0;
$offset = 2.0;
$runtimes = 0;
while ($size == 0 && $runtimes < 5) {
$command = sprintf("ffmpeg -threads 1 -y -itsoffset -%.1f -i \"" . $mov . "\" -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -s 480x270 \"" . $jpg . "\"", $offset);
$size = filesize($jpg);
$offset /= 2.0;
<h2><? echo $mov; ?></h2>
<div id="v<? echo $nVideos; ?>">
<a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this video.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var swf = new SWFObject("", "mpl", "480", "270", 8);
swf.addParam("allowfullscreen", "true");
swf.addParam("allowscriptaccess", "always");
swf.addVariable("file", "<? echo getUrl($flv); ?>");
swf.addVariable("image", "<? echo $jpg ?>");
swf.write("v<? echo $nVideos; ?>");
<a href="<? echo $mov; ?>">Original</a>
<a href="<? echo $flv; ?>">FLV</a>
<br />
function getUrl($path) {
global $base_path, $base_url;
$real = realpath($path);
$url = str_replace($base_path, $base_url, $real);
//$url = str_replace(" ", "%20", $url);
return $url;
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