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Created February 2, 2012 23:20
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Homebrew PHP 5.3.10
require 'formula'
def mysql_installed?
`which mysql_config`.length > 0
def postgres_installed?
`which pg_config`.length > 0
class Php < Formula
url ''
homepage ''
md5 'b27947f3045220faf16e4d9158cbfe13'
version '5.3.10'
# So PHP extensions don't report missing symbols
skip_clean ['bin', 'sbin']
depends_on 'gettext'
depends_on 'readline' unless ARGV.include? '--without-readline'
depends_on 'libxml2'
depends_on 'jpeg'
depends_on 'mcrypt'
depends_on 'gmp' if ARGV.include? '--with-gmp'
depends_on 'libevent' if ARGV.include? '--with-fpm'
depends_on 'freetds'if ARGV.include? '--with-mssql'
depends_on 'icu4c' if ARGV.include? '--with-intl'
if ARGV.include? '--with-mysql' and ARGV.include? '--with-mariadb'
raise "Cannot specify more than one MySQL variant to build against."
elsif ARGV.include? '--with-mysql'
depends_on 'mysql' => :recommended unless mysql_installed?
elsif ARGV.include? '--with-mariadb'
depends_on 'mariadb' => :recommended unless mysql_installed?
if ARGV.include? '--with-pgsql'
depends_on 'postgresql' => :recommended unless postgres_installed?
def options
['--with-mysql', 'Include MySQL support'],
['--with-mariadb', 'Include MariaDB support'],
['--with-pgsql', 'Include PostgreSQL support'],
['--with-mssql', 'Include MSSQL-DB support'],
['--with-cgi', 'Enable building of the CGI executable (implies --without-apache)'],
['--with-fpm', 'Enable building of the fpm SAPI executable (implies --without-apache)'],
['--without-apache', 'Build without shared Apache 2.0 Handler module'],
['--with-intl', 'Include internationalization support'],
['--without-readline', 'Build without readline support'],
['--with-gmp', 'Include GMP support'],
['--with-suhosin', 'Include Suhosin patch']
def patches
p = [DATA]
p << "" if ARGV.include? '--with-suhosin'
return p
def install
args = [
args.push "--with-gmp" if ARGV.include? '--with-gmp'
if ARGV.include? '--with-fpm' and ARGV.include? '--with-cgi'
raise "Cannot specify more than one executable to build."
elsif ARGV.include? '--with-fpm'
args.push "--enable-fpm"
elsif ARGV.include? '--with-cgi'
args.push "--enable-cgi"
# Build Apache module by default
unless ARGV.include? '--with-fpm' or ARGV.include? '--with-cgi' or ARGV.include? '--without-apache'
args.push "--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs"
args.push "--libexecdir=#{libexec}"
if ARGV.include? '--with-mysql' or ARGV.include? '--with-mariadb'
args.push "--with-mysql-sock=/tmp/mysql.sock"
args.push "--with-mysqli=mysqlnd"
args.push "--with-mysql=mysqlnd"
args.push "--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd"
if ARGV.include? '--with-pgsql'
args.push "--with-pgsql=#{Formula.factory('postgresql').prefix}"
args.push "--with-pdo-pgsql=#{Formula.factory('postgresql').prefix}"
if ARGV.include? '--with-mssql'
args.push "--with-mssql=#{Formula.factory('freetds').prefix}"
if ARGV.include? '--with-intl'
args.push "--enable-intl"
args.push "--with-icu-dir=#{Formula.factory('icu4c').prefix}"
args.push "--with-readline=#{Formula.factory('readline').prefix}" unless ARGV.include? '--without-readline'
system "./configure", *args
unless ARGV.include? '--without-apache'
# Use Homebrew prefix for the Apache libexec folder
inreplace "Makefile",
"INSTALL_IT = $(mkinstalldirs) '$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/libexec/apache2' && $(mkinstalldirs) '$(INSTALL_ROOT)/private/etc/apache2' && /usr/sbin/apxs -S LIBEXECDIR='$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/libexec/apache2' -S SYSCONFDIR='$(INSTALL_ROOT)/private/etc/apache2' -i -a -n php5 libs/",
"INSTALL_IT = $(mkinstalldirs) '#{libexec}/apache2' && $(mkinstalldirs) '$(INSTALL_ROOT)/private/etc/apache2' && /usr/sbin/apxs -S LIBEXECDIR='#{libexec}/apache2' -S SYSCONFDIR='$(INSTALL_ROOT)/private/etc/apache2' -i -a -n php5 libs/"
if ARGV.include? '--with-intl'
inreplace 'Makefile' do |s|
s.change_make_var! "EXTRA_LIBS", "\\1 -lstdc++"
system "make"
ENV.deparallelize # parallel install fails on some systems
system "make install"
etc.install "./php.ini-production" => "php.ini" unless File.exists? etc+"php.ini"
chmod_R 0775, lib+"php"
system bin+"pear", "config-set", "php_ini", etc+"php.ini"
def caveats; <<-EOS
For 10.5 and Apache:
Apache needs to run in 32-bit mode. You can either force Apache to start
in 32-bit mode or you can thin the Apache executable.
To enable PHP in Apache add the following to httpd.conf and restart Apache:
LoadModule php5_module #{libexec}/apache2/
The php.ini file can be found in:
diff -Naur php-5.3.2/ext/tidy/tidy.c php/ext/tidy/tidy.c
--- php-5.3.2/ext/tidy/tidy.c 2010-02-12 04:36:40.000000000 +1100
+++ php/ext/tidy/tidy.c 2010-05-23 19:49:47.000000000 +1000
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "config.h"
+#include "tidy.h"
#include "php.h"
#include "php_tidy.h"
@@ -31,7 +33,6 @@
#include "ext/standard/info.h"
#include "safe_mode.h"
-#include "tidy.h"
#include "buffio.h"
/* compatibility with older versions of libtidy */
--- a/ext/mssql/php_mssql.h 2010-12-31 21:19:59.000000000 -0500
+++ b/ext/mssql/php_mssql.h 2011-10-12 10:06:52.000000000 -0400
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
#define dbfreelogin dbloginfree
#define dbrpcexec dbrpcsend
-typedef unsigned char *LPBYTE;
typedef float DBFLT4;
#define MSSQL_VERSION "7.0"
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