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Last active December 26, 2015 07:29
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seasonal adjustment, indexing and rolling averages on the fly within ggplot in R
#---------------Index and Index12---------------
Index <- function(x, ref=x[1]){
# Function that takes a vector or time series (or any object actually)
# and returns it as an index based on 100. Defaults to using the
# first value of the vector as reference value, but this can be overridden.
if(length(ref)>1) stop("Reference value must be a single number")
Index12 <- function(x, ref=mean(x[1:12])){
# Function that takes a vector or time series (or any object actually)
# and returns it as an index based on 100. Defaults to using the
# mean of the first 12 elements of the vector as reference value,
# but this can be overridden.
if(length(ref)>1) stop("Reference value must be a single number")
#-----------stat_sa, stat_rollapplyr and stat_index12-----------------------------
# the next eighty lines of code create three new "stats" for use
# in ggplot2. One does rolling average, one seasonal adjustment,
# a third converts to an index based on the average first 12 entries.
# Very handy for adding a smoothed line on the fly.
# WARNING! - to work, the data needs to be sorted by date when it goes in!
# 12 month rolling average stat
# Thanks to, David Holstius
StatRollApplyR <- proto(ggplot2:::Stat, {
required_aes <- c("x", "y")
default_geom <- function(.) GeomLine
objname <- "rollapplyr"
calculate_groups <- function(., data, scales, ...){
.super$calculate_groups(., data, scales, ...)
calculate <- function(., data, scales, width=12, FUN, fill=NA, align="right", index12.first=FALSE, ...) {
if(index12.first==TRUE){data$y <- Index12(data$y)}
filtered <- rollapplyr(data$y, width, FUN=mean, fill=fill, align=align,...)
result <- data.frame(x=data$x, y=filtered)
stat_rollapplyr <- StatRollApplyR$new
# seasonal adjustment stat
StatSA <- proto(ggplot2:::Stat, {
required_aes <- c("x", "y")
default_geom <- function(.) GeomLine
objname <- "seasadj"
calculate_groups <- function(., data, scales, ...){
.super$calculate_groups(., data, scales, ...)
calculate <- function(., data, scales, frequency=12, type="multiplicative", index12.first=FALSE, ...) {
y.ts <- ts(data$y, frequency=frequency)
if(index12.first==TRUE){y.ts <- Index12(y.ts)}
y.ts <- y.ts / decompose(y.ts, type=type)$seasonal}
y.ts <- y.ts - decompose(y.ts, type=type)$seasonal}
result <- data.frame(x=data$x, y=as.numeric(y.ts))
stat_sa <- StatSA$new
# 12 month reference point index stat
StatIndex12R <- proto(ggplot2:::Stat, {
required_aes <- c("x", "y")
default_geom <- function(.) GeomLine
objname <- "index12"
calculate_groups <- function(., data, scales, ...){
.super$calculate_groups(., data, scales, ...)
calculate <- function(., data, scales, ...) {
filtered <- Index12(data$y, ...)
result <- data.frame(x=data$x, y=filtered)
stat_index12 <- StatIndex12R$new
# index stat using single first point as the index
StatIndex1R <- proto(ggplot2:::Stat, {
required_aes <- c("x", "y")
default_geom <- function(.) GeomLine
objname <- "index"
calculate_groups <- function(., data, scales, ...){
.super$calculate_groups(., data, scales, ...)
calculate <- function(., data, scales, ...) {
filtered <- Index(data$y, ...)
result <- data.frame(x=data$x, y=filtered)
stat_index1 <- StatIndex1R$new
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