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Last active April 25, 2017 13:28
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Proofing Products / Tuples ...
precedencegroup Apply {
higherThan: ComparisonPrecedence
associativity: right
precedencegroup Compose {
higherThan: Apply
infix operator ⚬ : Compose
infix operator <*> : Apply
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: - Arrow
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Arrow<F, T> {
let c: (F) -> T
func apply(_ f: F) -> T {
return c(f)
init(_ c: @escaping (F) -> T){
self.c = c
func <*> <A1, A2>(_ arr: Arrow<A1, A2>, _ a1: A1) -> A2 {
return arr.apply(a1)
func ⚬ <A1, A2, A3>(_ a1: Arrow<A1, A2>, _ a2: Arrow<A2, A3>) -> Arrow<A1, A3> {
return Arrow { a2 <*> a1 <*> $0 }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: - Product
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
protocol Product {
associatedtype Fst
associatedtype Snd
var fst: Fst { get }
var snd: Snd { get }
struct Tuple<A: Equatable, B: Equatable>: Product, Equatable {
let fst: A
let snd: B
public static func ==(lhs: Tuple<A,B>, rhs: Tuple<A,B>) -> Bool {
return lhs.fst == rhs.fst && lhs.snd == rhs.snd
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: - Product
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func fork<A>(_ a: A) -> Tuple<A, A> {
return Tuple<A, A>(fst: a, snd: a)
func fst<A: Product>(_ t: A) -> A.Fst {
return t.fst
func snd<A: Product>(_ t: A) -> A.Snd {
return t.snd
func id<A>(_ t: A) -> A {
return t
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MARK: - Proof
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Proof<A, B, C, X> where
A: Equatable, B: Equatable, C: Equatable, X: Product {
let a1: Arrow<C, X>
let a2: Arrow<X, A>
let a3: Arrow<X, B>
let a4: Arrow<C, A>
let a5: Arrow<C, B>
init(_ a1: @escaping (C) -> X,
_ a2: @escaping (X) -> A,
_ a3: @escaping (X) -> B,
_ a4: @escaping (C) -> A,
_ a5: @escaping (C) -> B) {
self.a1 = Arrow(a1)
self.a2 = Arrow(a2)
self.a3 = Arrow(a3)
self.a4 = Arrow(a4)
self.a5 = Arrow(a5)
func perform(with c: C) -> Bool {
guard a1 ⚬ a2 <*> c == a4 <*> c,
a1 ⚬ a3 <*> c == a5 <*> c
else { return false }
return true
let proof: Proof<String, String, String, Tuple<String, String>> = Proof(fork, fst, snd, id, id)
proof.perform(with: "a")
typealias T2S = Tuple<String, String>
let proof2: Proof<T2S, T2S, T2S, T2S> = Proof(id, id, id, id, id)
proof2.perform(with: Tuple(fst:"a", snd: "b"))
let proof3: Proof<String, String, T2S, T2S> = Proof(id, fst, snd, fst, snd)
proof3.perform(with: Tuple(fst:"a", snd: "b"))
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