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Created July 1, 2013 21:53
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A Backbone practice to load many remote templates asynchronously and start rendering after all have been loaded
//require NRD.js somewhere...
var models = new Backbone.Collection([ 
new NRD.Model({type: 'image'}),
new NRD.Model({type: 'tweet'})
var masterView = new NRD.View(collection);
masterView.loadTemplates ( function () {
// requires Mustache, Backbone (+underscore, +Jquery/Zepto)
NRD = {}
NRD.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
isImage: function() { ... },
isTweet: function() { ... }
NRD.View = Backbone.View.extend({ // view "factory"
loadTemplates: function(callback) {
var dfds =[NRD.TweetView,NRD.ImageView], function(view) {
return view.loadTpl(); //returns a Deferred
//wait until all Deferreds are resolved
$.when.apply($, dfds).then( function() {
makeView: function(aModel) {
var view;
//selection logic which view to choose -> can be done by type checking, depends on usecase
if (aModel.isImage()) {
view = new NRD.ImageView();
else if (aModel.isTweet()) {
view = new NRD.TweetView();
if (!view)
return false;
view.model = aModel;
return view.render(); // = return view
render: function() {
var that = this;
this.collection.each( function(model) {
var view = that.makeView(model);
NRD.BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
attributes: {class: 'nice'}
{ //class properties ("statics") go here:
loadTpl: function() {
var self = this;
//templates reside statically on our server under /tpl/{tpltype}.mustache
var dfd = $.get("/tpl/" + this.tplName + ".mustache");
dfd.done( function(tpl) {
self.tpl = Mustache.compile(tpl); //compile the template
return dfd;
NRD.TweetView = NRD.BaseView.extend({
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.constructor.tpl( this.model.toJSON()) );
}, { tplName: "tweet"});
NRD.ImageView = NRD.BaseView..extend({
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.constructor.tpl( this.model.toJSON()) );
}, { tplName: "image"});
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