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Last active July 2, 2018 22:22
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const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch')
const fm = require('frontmatter')
const { readFileSync, statSync } = require('fs')
const { resolve, basename, extname, relative, dirname, sep } = require('path')
const pathToRegEx = require('path-to-regexp')
const parser = require('./parser')
module.exports = {
source : async ({ extension = 'md', entriesDir = ['posts'], remark = [], rehype = [] } = {}) => {
let all = []
for (const dir of entriesDir) {
const res = await fetch('')
const { tree = []} = await res.json()
const files = tree.filter(e => e.path.match(/^posts\/.*md$/))
const content = await Promise.all(
.map(async (file) => {
const res = await fetch(`${file.path}`)
return await res.text()
return content
.map(a => { console.log(a); return a })
.map(parse({remark, rehype}))
const parse = (options) => (value) => {
const { content } = value
const instance = parser(options)
return {
content: instance.runSync(instance.parse(content)),
raw: content
const addPage = (value, idx) => {
const { data } = value
const { page = 'post' } = data
return { ...value, data: {, page: 'post' } }
const addEntry = (paths) => (value, idx) => {
const { data } = value
return { ...value, data: {, _entry: paths[idx].path } }
const addName = (value) => {
const { data } = value
return { ...value, data: {, name: createEntryName({ }) } }
const addCategory = (entriesPath) => (value) => {
const { data } = value
return { ...value, data: {, category: createEntryCategory({ entriesPath, }) } }
const addUrl = (value) => {
const { data } = value
return { ...value, data: {, url: createEntryURL({ }) } }
const addDate = (value) => {
const { data } = value
return { ...value, data: {, date: new Date().toJSON()} }
const DATE_IN_FILE_REGEX = /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})-(.+)$/
const DEFAULT_PERMALINK = '/:category?/:name'
const PERMALINK_CATEGORIES = ':category(.*)'
const extractFileName = (path) => basename(path, extname(path))
const createEntryName = ({ _entry }) => {
const name = extractFileName(_entry)
const match = name.match(DATE_IN_FILE_REGEX)
return (match) ? match[NAME_MATCH_INDEX] : name
const createEntryURL = (data) => {
const { page, date, permalink = DEFAULT_PERMALINK } = data
const toUrl = pathToRegEx.compile(permalink.replace(':category', PERMALINK_CATEGORIES))
const url = toUrl({, date: date.replace(/T.*Z/, '') }, { encode: v => v })
return page ? url : undefined
const createEntryDate = ({ _entry, date }) => {
const name = extractFileName(_entry)
const match = name.match(DATE_IN_FILE_REGEX)
return (date ? new Date(date) : (match) ? new Date(match[DATE_MATCH_INDEX]) : fileCreationDate(_entry)).toJSON()
const fileCreationDate = (path) => {
const { birthtime } = statSync(path)
return birthtime
const createEntryCategory = ({ entriesPath, category, _entry }) => {
if (category) return category
const categorySeparator = '/'
const root = resolve(process.cwd(), entriesPath)
const post = resolve(process.cwd(), _entry)
const folderCategory = relative(root, dirname(post)).replace(sep, categorySeparator)
return folderCategory || undefined
// export const transform = (options = OPTIONS, post) => {
// }
const unified = require('unified')
const markdown = require('remark-parse')
const remark2rehype = require('remark-rehype')
const raw = require('rehype-raw')
module.exports = ({ remark, rehype }) => unified()
.use(remark2rehype, { allowDangerousHTML: true })
const mapPlugin = p => {
if (Array.isArray(p)) {
const [ name, options ] = p
return [require(name), options]
return require(p)
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