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Created October 17, 2020 06:56
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# rb-check
# Mikrotik RayBill Network Checker
# PPPoE Interface
:local rbInterface pppoe-rb
# Gateway in RB network
:local rbGateway
# Ping failure threshold
:local rbFailThreshold 3
# globals
:global rbPingFailCount
:global rbTimerCount
# initialize global variable
:if ([:typeof $rbPingFailCount] = "nothing") do={ :set rbPingFailCount 0 }
:if ([:typeof $rbTimerCount] = "nothing") do={ :set rbTimerCount 0 }
# locals
:local rbPingResult
:set rbTimerCount ($rbTimerCount + 1)
:set rbPingResult [/ping $rbGateway count=1 interface=$rbInterface]
# ping failed
if ($rbPingResult = 0) do={
:log warning "Ping to RB network failed."
:set rbPingFailCount ($rbPingFailCount + 1)
:if ($rbPingFailCount > ($rbFailThreshold - 1)) do={
:log warning "RB Gateway Check threshold reach, will restart the interface"
/interface set disabled=yes [/interface find name=$rbInterface]
delay 6
/interface set disabled=no [/interface find name=$rbInterface]
:set rbTimerCount 0
# ping success
:if ($rbPingResult = 1) do={
:set rbTimerCount 0
:log info "Ping to RB network - OK"
:if ($rbTimerCount = 0 ) do={
:set rbPingFailCount 0
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