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Last active August 6, 2020 14:15
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Save and load structs and struct arrays in UserDefaults
import Foundation
extension UserDefaults {
open func setStruct<T: Codable>(_ value: T?, forKey defaultName: String){
let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(value)
set(data, forKey: defaultName)
open func structData<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey defaultName: String) -> T? where T : Decodable {
guard let encodedData = data(forKey: defaultName) else {
return nil
return try! JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: encodedData)
open func setStructArray<T: Codable>(_ value: [T], forKey defaultName: String){
let data = { try? JSONEncoder().encode($0) }
set(data, forKey: defaultName)
open func structArrayData<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey defaultName: String) -> [T] where T : Decodable {
guard let encodedData = array(forKey: defaultName) as? [Data] else {
return []
return { try! JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: $0) }
// Example
struct Pizza: Codable {
let name: String
let price: Double
// struct array exmaple
let allPizzasKey = "ALL_PIZZAS"
UserDefaults.standard.setStructArray([Pizza(name: "Seafood", price: 6.00), Pizza(name: "Crudo", price: 5.50), Pizza(name: "Margherita", price: 3.50)], forKey: allPizzasKey)
let pizzas: [Pizza] = UserDefaults.standard.structArrayData(Pizza.self, forKey: allPizzasKey)
print("All pizzas: \(pizzas)")
// struct exampl
let myFavPizzaKey = "MY_FAV_PIZZA"
UserDefaults.standard.setStruct(Pizza(name: "Seafood", price: 6.00), forKey: myFavPizzaKey)
if let myFavPizza = UserDefaults.standard.structData(Pizza.self, forKey: myFavPizzaKey) {
print("My fav pizza: \(myFavPizza)")
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