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Last active November 29, 2016 13:01
Prefix Condition
function createWithSubcondition (pubKey, message) {
const sender_fulfillment = new cc.Ed25519()
// Set public_key
sender_fulfillment.setPublicKey(new Buffer(pubKey, 'hex'))
// Prefix
const prefix = new cc.PrefixSha256()
// Condition
const condition = prefix.getConditionUri()
console.log('SENDER') + '\n');
console.log(colors.grey.italic('By using a subcondition we embed the message as part of the condition.') + '\n')
console.log('Condition: ' + condition) + '\n')
return condition
function fulfillWithSubcondition (pubKey, seed, message) {
const receiver_fulfillment = new cc.Ed25519()
console.log('RECEIVER') + '\n');
console.log(colors.grey.italic('Receives the transaction and signs a message with his/her private key to fulfill the condition.') + '\n')
console.log(colors.grey.italic('The content of the message IS part of the condition.') + '\n')
const condition = receiver_fulfillment.getConditionUri()
receiver_fulfillment.sign(message, seed)
const prefix = new cc.PrefixSha256()
const fulfillment = prefix.serializeUri()
console.log('Fulfillment URI:' + fulfillment) + '\n')
return fulfillment
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