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Last active July 7, 2017 13:06
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緯度経度から住所を取得する ref:
$ python
Shapefiles: ['data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35208/h22ka35208.shp', 'data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35207/h22ka35207.shp', 'data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35201/h22ka35201.shp', 'data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35203/h22ka35203.shp', 'data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35206/h22ka35206.shp', 'data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35202/h22ka35202.shp', 'data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC35204/h22ka35204.shp']
35208602 山口県岩国市装束町6丁目
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape
from revgeocoder import ReverseGeocoder
def parse_shapefile(shapefile):
'''(area_id, Polygon, name) を返すジェネレータ'''
with, 'r') as source:
for obj in source:
# ポリゴンデータ
polygon = shape(obj['geometry'])
# そのエリアの住所
names = []
for prop in ['KEN_NAME', 'GST_NAME', 'CSS_NAME', 'MOJI']:
if obj['properties'][prop] is not None:
name = ''.join(names)
# ユニークなidを生成(KEN + CITY + SEQ_NO2)
area_id = int(''.join(map(str, (obj['properties']['KEN'], obj['properties']['CITY'], obj['properties']['SEQ_NO2']))))
yield area_id, polygon, name
def main():
shapefiles = glob.glob('data/japan-shape/A002005212010DDSWC3520*/*.shp')
print('Shapefiles:', shapefiles)
# インデックスを作る
rgeocoder = ReverseGeocoder()
id2name = {}
def gen(shapefile):
for area_id, polygon, name in parse_shapefile(shapefile):
id2name[area_id] = name
yield area_id, polygon
for shapefile in shapefiles:
# test
area_id = rgeocoder.contains(132.257269, 34.108815)[0]
print(area_id, id2name[area_id])
return rgeocoder
if __name__ == '__main__':
rgeocoder = main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import collections
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
from rtree import index
Area = collections.namedtuple('Area', ['area_id', 'polygon'])
class ReverseGeocoder():
def __init__(self):
self.idx = index.Index()
def insert_from_iterator(self, itr):
'''(id, Polygon)を返すイテレータからRtreeを作る
itr: (id, Polygon)を返すイテレータ
for i, (area_id, polygon) in enumerate(itr):
obj = Area(area_id=area_id, polygon=polygon)
self.idx.insert(i, polygon.bounds, obj)
def contains(self, lat, lon):
'''Point(lat, lon)を含むPolygonのarea_idを返す。
result = []
point = Point(lat, lon)
for hit in self.idx.intersection(point.bounds, objects=True):
if hit.object.polygon.contains(point):
if len(result) > 1:
result.sort(key=lambda x: (x.polygon.area, x.area_id))
return [r.area_id for r in result]
def __repr__(self):
return '<ReverseGeocoder contains {} polygons>'.format(self.idx.count(self.idx.bounds))
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