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Created April 25, 2019 17:22
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React Storybook ReasonML
open StoryBook;
let _module = [%bs.raw "module"];
storiesOf("ReasonML Example", _module)
->addDecorator(storyFn =>
<div style={ReactDOMRe.Style.make(~textAlign="center", ~marginTop="50px", ())}>
->add("a story with ReasonML", () =>
<p>{ReasonReact.string("Hello bs-storybook!")}</p>
<p>{ReasonReact.string("I've been styled by a storybook decorator.")}</p>
type section;
type webpackModule;
type chapter = unit => ReasonReact.reactElement;
type decorator = chapter => ReasonReact.reactElement;
[@bs.val] [@bs.module "@storybook/react"]
external storiesOf: (string, webpackModule) => section = "";
[@bs.send] external add: (section, string, chapter) => section = "";
[@bs.send] external addDecorator: (section, decorator) => section = "";
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