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Last active February 9, 2017 17:23
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Reads metrics that Flume exposes on a port and converts them into Graphite format.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This script queries flume to get metrics and pipes them into graphite format
# Written By:
# Options:
# -h = host that you want to query - defaults to localhost
# -p = port of the flume node you want to query - defaults to 41414
require 'socket'
require 'English'
require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli'
class FlumeMetrics < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite
option :host,
short: '-h URL',
long: '--host URL',
description: 'valid url to connect',
default: 'localhost'
option :port,
short: '-p PORT',
long: '--port PORT',
description: 'port to connect',
default: '41414'
option :scheme,
description: 'Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric',
short: '-s SCHEME',
long: '--scheme SCHEME',
required: true,
default: "#{Socket.gethostname}.flume_metrics"
def run
get_keys = "curl --silent #{config[:host]}:#{config[:port]}/metrics | jq 'keys' | jq .[] | sed 's/\"//g'"
keys = `#{get_keys}`
time =
keys.each_line do |key|
get_metrics = "curl --silent #{config[:host]}:#{config[:port]}/metrics | jq '.\"#{key.chomp}\"' | sed 's/[{}]//g;/^\s*$/d;s/,//;s/\"//g;s/ //g'"
metrics = `#{get_metrics}`
metrics.each_line do |metric|
(metric_name, metric_total) = metric.split(':')
puts "#{config[:scheme]}.#{key.chomp}.#{metric_name} #{metric_total.chomp} #{time}"
if $CHILD_STATUS.to_i == 0
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This will get metrics from the Apache Flume application on whatever port you are exposing them on. This assumes that you have JQ installed on the system that is running it. It looks at the top level keys and drills down further in order to get the lower level key/value pairs. In theory you could use this for any other data that follows that structure.

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