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Last active October 2, 2022 22:14
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L'algorithme de Quine pour savoir si une formule est satifiable.
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Quine where
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
-- Propositional calculus
data Formula = Top | Bottom | P !Integer | Disjunction !Formula !Formula | Conjunction !Formula !Formula | Negation !Formula
instance Show Formula where
show :: Formula -> String
show Top = "T"
show Bottom = "⊥"
show (P n) = "p" ++ show n
show (Disjunction f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ ") v (" ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (Conjunction f1 f2) = "(" ++ show f1 ++ ") ∧ (" ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (Negation f) = "¬(" ++ show f ++ ")"
instance Eq Formula where
(==) :: Formula -> Formula -> Bool
Top == Top = True
Bottom == Bottom = True
(Disjunction f1 f2) == (Disjunction f3 f4) = f1 == f3 && f2 == f4
(Conjunction f1 f2) == (Conjunction f3 f4) = f1 == f3 && f2 == f4
(Negation f1) == (Negation f2) = f1 == f2
(P i) == (P j) = i == j
_ == _ = False
substitution :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula -> Formula
substitution f f1 f2 = if f == f1 then f2 else case f of
Conjunction fa fb -> Conjunction (substitution fa f1 f2) (substitution fb f1 f2)
Disjunction fa fb -> Disjunction (substitution fa f1 f2) (substitution fb f1 f2)
Negation fa -> Negation (substitution fa f1 f2)
P i -> P i
Top -> Top
Bottom -> Bottom
-- A satisfiable formula and an antilogy
f :: Formula
f = Conjunction Top (Negation (Conjunction (P 2) Top))
f2 :: Formula
f2 = Conjunction (P 1) (Negation $ P 1)
-- The valuation function
valuation :: [Bool] -> Formula -> Bool
valuation l Top = True
valuation l Bottom = False
valuation l (Conjunction f1 f2) = valuation l f1 && valuation l f2
valuation l (Disjunction f1 f2) = valuation l f1 || valuation l f2
valuation l (Negation f) = not (valuation l f)
valuation l (P i) = l !! fromInteger i
-- Simplification rules
simplify :: Formula -> Formula
simplify Top = Top
simplify Bottom = Bottom
simplify (Negation Bottom) = Top
simplify (Negation Top) = Bottom
simplify (Disjunction Top f) = Top
simplify (Disjunction f Top) = Top
simplify (Disjunction Bottom f) = f
simplify (Disjunction f Bottom) = f
simplify (Conjunction Top f) = f
simplify (Conjunction f Top) = f
simplify (Conjunction Bottom f) = Bottom
simplify (Conjunction f Bottom) = Bottom
simplify (Conjunction f1 f2) = Conjunction (simplify f1) (simplify f2)
simplify (Disjunction f1 f2) = Disjunction (simplify f1) (simplify f2)
simplify (Negation f) = Negation (simplify f)
simplify (P i) = P i
-- Simplifies the expression using the rules
applySimplifications :: Formula -> Formula
applySimplifications f = if f/=q then applySimplifications q else q
q = simplify f
-- Finds a variable in the tree
findVariable :: Formula -> Maybe Formula
findVariable (Conjunction f1 f2) = case findVariable f1 of
Just v -> Just v
Nothing -> findVariable f2
findVariable (Disjunction f1 f2) = case findVariable f1 of
Just v -> Just v
Nothing -> findVariable f2
findVariable (Negation f) = findVariable f
findVariable (P i) = Just $ P i
findVariable _ = Nothing
newTree :: Formula -> Formula
newTree f = Disjunction (substitution f p Top) (substitution f p Bottom)
p = fromJust $ findVariable f
quineAlgorithm :: Formula -> Formula
quineAlgorithm f = if q == Top || q == Bottom then q else quineAlgorithm $ newTree q
q = applySimplifications f
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