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Last active May 18, 2024 21:41
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Bash script to install Clapshot + Htadmin on Debian 12
set -e
# This script install Clapshot with Htadmin Basic auth
# on Debian 12 Bookworm (might also work on Bullseye).
# It doesn't set up HTTPS, you are encouraged to
# set use a reverse proxy in front of it.
# First, mount a block device at $DATA_DIR run `apt update`.
# Then run this script.
# It also displays the configuration files after modifying them,
# so you can check that they look sensible.
# ------------------------
# Default values
# Parse command line arguments
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 -a PUBLIC_ADDRESS [-d DATA_DIR]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " -a PUBLIC_ADDRESS The address clients will use to access this host."
echo " Example:"
echo " Use https:// if you have a separate HTTPS reverse proxy."
echo ""
echo " -d DATA_DIR Directory to store videos and the database."
echo " Default: $DATA_DIR"
echo ""
exit 1
while getopts "a:d:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
*) usage ;;
if [ -z "$PUBLIC_ADDRESS" ]; then
echo "** Error: PUBLIC_ADDRESS is required."
echo " "
set -x
# Detect system architecture and adjust SERVER_LINK accordingly
ARCH=$(uname -m)
case "$ARCH" in
*) echo "Unsupported architecture: $ARCH"; exit 1;;
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Some helpers
display_config() {
# Show a config file in a gray background box
set +x
local config_file="$1"
if [[ ! -f "$config_file" ]]; then
echo "Error: File not found - $config_file"
return 1
echo -e "\e[30;42m$config_file\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[30;47m"
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo -e " $line"
done < "$config_file"
echo -e "\e[0m" # Resetting the color
set -x
restart_and_check_service() {
# Restart systemd daemon and make sure it worked
local service_name="$1"
systemctl enable "$service_name"
systemctl restart "$service_name"
systemctl status "$service_name" || { echo "ERROR: $service_name failed to start."; exit 1; }
replace_cfg() {
# Replace one line of config in given file using sed
local file_path="$1"
local pattern="$2"
local replacement="$3"
sed -i -E "s#$pattern#$replacement#" "$file_path"
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Install dependencies
apt-get install -y ffmpeg mediainfo nginx python3 # For Clapshot
apt-get install -y sudo wget acl sqlite3 git sudo php-fpm # For installation and Htadmin
# Make sure data directory is mounted and useable
test -e "$DATA_DIR" || { echo "Data directory '$DATA_DIR' missing. Please mount/create it and run again."; exit 1; }
chown www-data:www-data "$DATA_DIR"
sudo -u www-data mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR/data" || { echo "Data directory not writable by www-data."; exit 1; }
# Get the Clapshot .deb packages
wget --no-clobber $SERVER_LINK $ORG_LINK $CLIENT_LINK # Download if necessary
dpkg -i *.deb
# Configure server
replace_cfg /etc/clapshot-server.conf "^url-base.*" "url-base = $PUBLIC_ADDRESS" # Set url-base
replace_cfg /etc/clapshot-server.conf "^data-dir.*" "data-dir = $DATA_DIR/data" # Set data-dir
touch /var/log/clapshot.log
chown www-data:www-data /var/log/clapshot.log
display_config /etc/clapshot-server.conf
restart_and_check_service clapshot-server.service
# Configure client
# The client (web UI Javascript) needs to know which HTTP(s)/WS(s) URL it can
# reach the server. Set them here.
WS_ADDR=$(echo "$PUBLIC_ADDRESS" | sed 's/^http/ws/')
replace_cfg /etc/clapshot_client.conf "^ *\"ws_url.*" " \"ws_url\": \"${WS_ADDR}/api/ws\","
replace_cfg /etc/clapshot_client.conf "^ *\"upload_url.*" " \"upload_url\": \"${PUBLIC_ADDRESS}/api/upload\","
replace_cfg /etc/clapshot_client.conf "^ *\"user_menu_show_basic_auth_logout.*" " \"user_menu_show_basic_auth_logout\": true"
display_config /etc/clapshot_client.conf
# Configure and restart Nginx
# - serve /videos from the data dir
# - set 'server_name' based on your access URL
# - setup PHP for Htadmin (not required by Clapshot itself)
rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
cp /usr/share/doc/clapshot-client/examples/clapshot+htadmin.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
HOSTNAME=$(echo "$PUBLIC_ADDRESS" | sed -E "s|^[^/]*//([^:/]*).*|\\1|")
replace_cfg "$NGINX_CONF" "^([ \t]*alias).*" "\\1 ${DATA_DIR}/data/videos;"
replace_cfg "$NGINX_CONF" "^([ \t]*server_name).*" "\\1 ${HOSTNAME};"
replace_cfg "$NGINX_CONF" "^([ \t]*fastcgi_pass).*" "\\1 unix:/var/run/php/php-fpm.sock;"
display_config $NGINX_CONF
restart_and_check_service nginx.service
# Install Htadmin, a simple password manager
if [ ! -e "htadmin" ]; then git clone; fi
rm -rf /var/www/htadmin
cp -a htadmin/app/htadmin /var/www/htadmin
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/htadmin
echo -e "alice:J/JsbnRtaHBlc\ndemo:N7HpG2DddhtME\nadmin:KURMbfRvhQPWs" > /var/www/.htpasswd # alice:alice123, demo:demo, admin:admin
chown www-data:www-data /var/www/.htpasswd
mv /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini.example /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini
# Configure htadmin
replace_cfg /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini "secure_path *=.*" "secure_path = /var/www/"
replace_cfg /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini "app_title *= .*" "app_title = Clapshot users"
replace_cfg /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini "mail_server *= .*" "mail_server = localhost"
replace_cfg /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini "admin_user *= .*" "admin_user = htadmin"
replace_cfg /var/www/htadmin/config/config.ini "admin_pwd_hash *= .*" "admin_pwd_hash = Askg15BrpF11g"
# Show some results
THIS_IP="$(ip addr show | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)" # Get local IPv4 address
set +x
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "All done!"
echo "Clapshot should now be accessible at: '${PUBLIC_ADDRESS}', and Htadmin at '${PUBLIC_ADDRESS}/htadmin'"
echo "If not, make sure you have configured '${PUBLIC_ADDRESS}' to load data from 'http://${THIS_IP}:80', perhaps by a reverse proxy."
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