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Created June 3, 2018 15:55
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" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Yank Position
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! s:YankPosition()
let @+=@%.'#L'.line('.')
let @r=@%
echo 'copied "'.@+.'"'
nnoremap <silent> yp :call <sid>YankPosition()<CR>
function! s:PasteRelative()
if executable("perl")
" yes im using perl, shoot me
return "'".system("perl -MFile::Spec -MFile::Basename -e 'print File::Spec->abs2rel(shift, dirname(shift))' ".@r." ".@%)."'"
" yes im using node, shoot me
return "'".system("node -e \"(p => process.stdout.write(p.relative(p.dirname('".@%."'), '".@r."')))(require('path'))\"")."'"
return "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"
nnoremap <silent> yP "=<sid>PasteRelative()<C-M>p
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