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Created June 3, 2018 16:10
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" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" DiffRev
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let s:git_status_dictionary = {
\ "A": "Added",
\ "B": "Broken",
\ "C": "Copied",
\ "D": "Deleted",
\ "M": "Modified",
\ "R": "Renamed",
\ "T": "Changed",
\ "U": "Unmerged",
\ "X": "Unknown"
\ }
function! s:get_diff_files(rev)
let list = map(split(system(
\ 'git diff --name-status '.a:rev), '\n'),
\ '{"filename":matchstr(v:val, "\\S\\+$"),"text":s:git_status_dictionary[matchstr(v:val, "^\\w")]}'
\ )
call setqflist(list)
command! -nargs=1 DiffRev call s:get_diff_files(<q-args>)
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