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Last active December 4, 2016 12:23
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Save elpatron68/c18bc264de882e9138ef2427edf71a0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Batch script for automatic update of Courseplay (
@echo off
rem This script updates the mod "Courseplay" for Farming Simulator 17
rem Copy this file to a folder of your choice and run in from time to time.
rem Backups will be stored as ZIP files in a subfolder .\cpbackup
rem =============================================================================
rem I M P O R T A N T N O T I C E
rem =============================================================================
rem Git for Windows and 7-Zip have to be installed and reside in your PATH!
rem Otherwise, adjust 'set gitexe=' and 'set zipexe' to your needs.
rem For help with setting a program to your path, have a look @
rem Have fun!
rem (c) 2016 M. Busche,
rem You could replace these with the full path to the files if they don´t reside in your PATH
set gitexe="git.exe"
set zipexe="7z.exe"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo Courseplay Beta Updatescript
echo (c) 2016
echo .
rem git.exe startable?
echo Checking for Git...
%gitexe% --version > NUL
if not errorlevel == 1 set gitok="-1"
rem 7-Zip startable?
echo Checking for 7-Zip...
%zipexe% 1,2> NUL
if errorlevel == 9009 goto zipok="-1"
if "%gitok%"=="-1" goto gitzipfehler
if "%zipok%"=="-1" goto gitzipfehler
echo Git and 7-Zip are ok, lets move on...
echo .
rem Write a VBS file for getting Courseplay version
> "%temp%\getversion.vbs" (
echo.Dim oXml: Set oXml = CreateObject^("Microsoft.XMLDOM"^)
echo.oXml.Load WScript.Arguments.Item^(0^)
echo.Dim oDoc: Set oDoc = oXml.documentElement
echo.For Each node In oDoc.childNodes
echo. If node.nodeName = "version" Then
echo. WScript.Echo node.text
echo. End If
echo.Set oXml = Nothing
rem Setting `Documents` folder
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal"') do set "UserDocs=%%B"
rem Setting Courseplay mod folder
set destination=%UserDocs%\my games\FarmingSimulator2017\mods\ZZZ_courseplay
echo Your Courseplay mod folder is: %destination%
rem Backup-Ordner
set backup=.\cpbackup
echo Your backup folder ist %backup%
rem Get current Courseplay version with vbs script
if exist "%destination%\moddesc.xml" (
cscript "%temp%\getversion.vbs" "%destination%\modDesc.xml" //Nologo >.\cpversion.txt
set /p version=< .\cpversion.txt
echo Your currently installed Version is: %version%
del "./cpversion.txt" > NUL
set freshinstall="0"
) else (
set freshinstall="1"
set version="0"
rem Delete old checkout
echo Deleting temporary folder...
rd /s/q .\courseplay 2> NUL
rem Git clone
echo Cloning Courseplay repository from Github...
%gitexe% clone --depth=1 >NUL 2>&1
rem Get new Courseplay version
cscript "%temp%\getversion.vbs" ".\courseplay\modDesc.xml" //Nologo >.\cpversion.txt
set /p newversion=< .\cpversion.txt
echo Version from fresh clone: %newversion%
del "./cpversion.txt"
rem Do we have an update?
if "%newversion%"=="%version%" (
echo No update found, exiting.
rd /s/q .\courseplay 2> NUL
goto ende
) else (
echo We have found an update.
rem Backup current version
if %freshinstall%=="0" (
echo Creating a backup of your current Courseplay...
mkdir %backup% 2> NUL
rem Get the datetime in a format that can go in a filename.
set datetime=%date:~-4%_%date:~3,2%_%date:~0,2%__%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,2%
set updated="1"
%zipexe% a -r "%backup%\" "%destination%\*" >NUL 2>&1
) else (
echo No former version found - this seems to be a fresh install. Creating new mod directory for Courseplay...
set updated="0"
md "%destination%" > NUL
rem Copy clone to mod folder
echo Copying the update to your mod folder...
xcopy /S /E /H /Y /C ".\courseplay\*.*" "%destination%\"
rem Couseplay Git checkout wieder löschen
echo Deleting temporary folder...
rd /s/q .\courseplay 2> NUL
echo Sucessfully updated from %version% to %newversion%.
if not %freshinstall%=="1" (
echo If you consider any problems, check your backup file: "%backup%\"
goto ende
if "%gitok%"=="-1" (
echo Git for Windows has to be installed and reside in PATH!
echo Download:
if "%zipok%"=="-1" (
echo 7-Zip has to be installed and reside in PATH!
echo Download:
goto ende
del "%temp%\getversion.vbs" >NUL
echo Thanks for using me.
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