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Last active December 11, 2015 04:19
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Going from GUI Git to Command Line Git


First of all, the ladies love command line. You are guaranteed to pick up twice as many chicks because you are in a completely black application window with monospace font. That's dark. Like, Sabbath dark.

Seriously though...

It's a piece of cake. And you don't need to abandon the GUI. Sometimes it's nice to see what's going on, so don't feel like a jabroni if you hit up something like Tower or Github for Mac.

Let's Git (see what I did there?) Started...

First of all, setup Git so all your diffs are in color. As suggested by Erik Reagan, this helped me a ton. Just run git config --global color.ui true in your command line and you'll be set.

The Common Commands

  • $ git pull: Pull all repo changes
  • $ git add: This will add specific files and folders into your repository. Pro tip: You can recursively add files when using the add command. For example, if you add a new folder called "hello_world" into your repo, just run $ git add hello_world to add the folder and everything inside of it. You can also recursively add everything by running $ git add .. This recursively adds everything in the current working directory.
  • $ git rm: This will remove specific files and folders from your repository. NOTE: This will not recursively remove files and folders. In order to remove the "hello_world" directory and everything in it, you need to run $ git rm -r hello_world/. The -r states this command should work recursively.
  • $ git commit -m "My commit message": This is how you'll commit your changes to the repository. Run this after you've added/removed any and all files in your change. NOTE: Make sure you add [deploy: enviroment_name] here if you are deploying to a specific environment!
  • $ git push: Pretty self-explanatory. This pushes your changes to the repo.
  • $ git status: Very handy. This will show you all modifications you've moved since your last pull. It will show you the added/removed/modified files and folders.
  • $ git diff [file/folder]: Will show you the modifications you've made since the last pull. NOTE: If you leave out a specific folder or file, it will show you the diff of all files and folder that have been modified. Press q in this view to leave the diff.
  • $ clear: After some time, your Terminal is going to get filled up with text. Use this to keep yourself sane.

Typical Workflow

Here's how a typical workflow is going to work for you.

  1. $ git pull: Grab the latest changes
  2. CODE!
  3. $ git status: Handy to easily add and remove files/folders in the next step
  4. $ git add [files/folders]/$ git rm [files]/$ git rm -r [folder]: Stage your documents for commit
  5. $ git commit -m "Integrate new changes": Always use active verbs in your commits. Think of commits as "patches" of code. Instead of "Integrated new contact form" use "Integrate new contact form".
  6. $ git pull: Merge changes into your code
  7. $ git push: Push changes to repo


Something didn't go right? Here's a couple things to try.

Merging issues

These seem to happen less when I work in the CLI, but sometimes they happen. Here's some tips that have worked for me:

  1. Use branches: When you use branches, it keeps your code more modular. You can have branches for things like "photo gallery functionality" or "authenticated contact form". Typically it is a Bad Idea™ to do your coding in the "Master" branch. This represents the live, fully-working code. Introducing semi-ready commits should never go here. See "Branch Workflow" below on how to setup this up.

  2. Manually resolve merge issues: If you have a conflict in a file, open it up in your text editor and find the merge issues. Clean them up by hand and then save the changes. Once you've done this, re-add the file with $ git add filename.ext, run $ git commit -m "Commit message", $ git pullfor good measure, and$ git push`!

Branch Workflow

It's easy to use branches in CLI.

  1. $ git pull: Get the latest changes
  2. $ git checkout -b branch_name: This creates a new branch off of the branch you are currently working in and names it "branch_name".
  3. CODE
  4. $ git add [files/folders]/$ git rm [files]/$ git rm -r [folder]: Stage your documents for commit
  5. $ git commit -m "Integrate new changes": Commit changes to branch
  6. $ git checkout master: Moves back to the "Master" branch
  7. $ git pull: Pull any changes
  8. $ git merge branch_name: Merges your branch from (2) into the "Master" branch
  9. $ git push: Pushes changes into "Master" branch in the repository
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