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Created May 11, 2020 02:13
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quick setup guide for ssm-tool

ezmode ssh over ssm

quick setup and usage guide for SSH access over SSM to private AWS EC2 instances



  1. git clone
  2. git clone
  3. Place scripts in a familiar local directory e.g. ~/bin/ and add to PATH -> echo "export PATH="$HOME/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}""| tee -a ~/.bashrc (or ~/.bash_profile)
  4. Install required python modules -> pip3 install --user -r /path/to/ssm-tool/requirements.txt
  5. Add snippet to SSH config (see below)
  6. macOS users may need to install newer versions of bash and openssh with brew install

SSH config

Copy and paste the following snippet to the top of your SSH config file (~/.ssh/config) or add to the bottom and remove any other config matching against host i-*:

Match exec "grep -qs '^Host.*%n' %d/.ssh/ssmtool-*"
  Include ssmtool-*

Match Host i-*
  ProxyCommand %h %r
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssm-ssh-tmp
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  PasswordAuthentication no
  ChallengeResponseAuthentication no


Listing instances

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssm-tool --profile home-dev
| tag[name]                | instance            | ip address    | ssm-agent* | platform     |
| home-dev-jumpbox-01      | i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx79d6 |   | True       | Amazon Linux |
| home-dev-confluenceasg   | i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx9007 | | False      | CentOS Linux |
| home-dev-bambooasg       | i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx29b9 | | False      | CentOS Linux |
| home-dev-jiraasg         | i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxc331 | | False      | CentOS Linux |
 * ssm-agent column refers to whether the agent is up-to-date

Update ssm-agent on all instances (if need)

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssm-tool --profile home-dev --update

Connecting to an instance over SSH using ssm-tool and instance id:

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssm-tool --profile home-dev --ssh centos@i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx29b9
Last login: Fri May  8 10:54:38 2020 from localhost
[centos@ip-10-xxx-24-2xx ~]$ sudo -i
[root@ip-10-xxx-24-2xx ~]#
[root@ip-10-xxx-24-2xx ~]# logout
[centos@ip-10-xxx-24-2xx ~]$ logout
Connection to i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx29b9 closed.

Using ssm-tool to generate and configure SSH, then using ssh directly to connect:

Generate config:

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssm-tool --profile home-dev --ssh-conf

ssh config fragment generated and saved to -> /home/elpy/.ssh/ssmtool-home-dev

Connect over SSH to the jumpbox host using name[tag]:

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssh home-dev-jumpbox-01
Last login: Sun May 10 07:15:35 2020 from localhost

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI
74 package(s) needed for security, out of 154 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[ec2-user@ip-10-xxx-24-9 ~]$ logout
Connection to i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx79d6 closed.

Connect over SSH to the confluence host using IP address:

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssh
Last login: Sun May 10 07:18:48 2020 from localhost
[centos@ip-10-xxx-24-1xx ~]$ logout
Connection to i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx9007 closed.

Connect over SSH to the bamboo host using short hostname:

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssh ip-10-xxx-24-2xx.ap-southeast-2
Last login: Sun May 10 12:44:19 2020 from localhost
[centos@ip-10-xxx-24-2xx ~]$ logout
Connection to i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx29b9 closed.

Note: Feel free to add other names or change the username in the generated SSH config fragment

Don't need SSH? Connect to an instance over SSM session using instance id:

[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssm-tool --profile home-dev --session i-0xxxxxxxxxxxx29b9

Starting session with SessionId: example123-0e467c6bf9f9ae39d
sh-4.2$ sudo -i
[root@ip-10-xxx-24-2xx ~]# logout
sh-4.2$ exit

Exiting session with sessionId: example123-0e467c6bf9f9ae39d.
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