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Last active May 16, 2019 18:49
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Ed trying to learn what he forgot... Is it like riding a bicycle?
# I have no choice but to write this in pseudo code (or at least resembling pseudo code in my mind).
# The first thing I want to do is find any Commercial Features (CFs) in JRE
# Second, find any Commercial Features (CFs) in JDK
Function getJavaCFs
# This is going to only find all applications/files beginning with "java" - i.e java.exe, javaw.exe, javaws.exe, etc... in the JRE
$filename = '*java*.*' # you can use wildcards here for name and for extension
$searchinfolder32 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_201\bin'
$searchinfolder64 = 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_201\bin'
Get-ChildItem -Path $searchinfolder32 -Filter $filename -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
Get-ChildItem -Path $searchinfolder64 -Filter $filename -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
# Find all available CFs within JRE that are enabled and/or running - usually only one which is:
# • JRE Usage Tracking
# cmd to get running processes = jcmd
# here I'm wanting to retrieve the text output and grab info from the text.
# What I am looking for is:
# First: "<PID>" should be returned. If this is all that shows - No CFs are currently running
# Next: "<PID>" - If this is returned (without any other text), this is a good indication a a CF is running.
# I can then exec: jcmd <PID> help to retreive a list of java cmds available to me. This list can be as long as 20-25 cmds.
# I would want to get the PID from the text (not the one accompanying "")
# Also the following is the PS equivalent to the java cmd to get pid (which I need to look through my notes for)
$prc = get-process -id $pid
# JDK Section
# This is going to only find all applications/files beginning with "java" - i.e java.exe, javaw.exe, javaws.exe, etc... in the JDK
$filename = '*java*.*' # you can use wildcards here for name and for extension
$searchinfolder = 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_201\bin'
Get-ChildItem -Path $searchinfolder -Filter $filename -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
# Find all available CFs within JDK that are enabled and/or running - usually only one which is:
# • Java SE Enterprise (MSI) Installer
# • Java Flight Recorder
# • Java Mission Control
# • Java Advanced Management Console
# • JRE Usage Tracking - Yes... it could be installed as part of the JDK
# • JRocket Flight Recorder
# • JRocket Mission Control
# • JRocket Real Time Deterministic GC
# Repeat the getting of the PID(s) (and rinse)
# This snippet might be something to start with - changing "Clean-String" to "getJavaCFs" as it is on line 5
# In this snip, I'm looking more at the structure and less on what the function is actually doing after it grabs the text.
# Although I think there is a lot of value in cleaning - if it's needed...
function Clean-String($InputString)
$maxStringLenth = 500
if($InputString -eq ""){return $InputString}
#Remove special characters and line breaks
#If array, join items with a pipe "|" separator (check if array first in order to NOT run the -join command on non arrays and waste time)
#Using -is [array] is the quickest way to check for if an array or not
if($InputString -is [array]){$InputString = $InputString -join '|'}
#Replace special characters like line breaks and tabs
#.Replace is twice as fast as -Replace ; also twice as fast as trying to check for -Match or -Like to see if any characters even present
$InputString = $InputString.Replace("`t"," ").Replace("`r"," ").Replace("`n"," ")
#Cut string down to max length set in variable at top of function ($maxStringLenth)
if($InputString.length -ge $maxStringLenth){$InputString = $InputString.substring(0,$maxStringLenth)}
return $InputString
#null string value or error
return "Clean-String.ERROR"
# *****************************************************************************
# PS C:\> jcmd
# 3588
# PS C:\> jcmd 3588 help
# 3588:
# no such process
# at Method)
# at<init>(
# at
# at
# at
# at
# At this point - I launch Java Mission Control (JMC)
# Then:
# PS C:\> jcmd
# 15204
# 17384
# PS C:\> jcmd 15204 help
# 15204:
# The following commands are available:
# JFR.stop
# JFR.start
# JFR.dump
# JFR.check
# VM.native_memory
# VM.check_commercial_features
# VM.unlock_commercial_features
# ManagementAgent.stop
# ManagementAgent.start_local
# ManagementAgent.start
# VM.classloader_stats
# GC.rotate_log
# Thread.print
# GC.class_stats
# GC.class_histogram
# GC.heap_dump
# GC.finalizer_info
# GC.heap_info
# GC.run_finalization
# VM.uptime
# VM.dynlibs
# VM.flags
# VM.system_properties
# VM.command_line
# VM.version
# help
# For more information about a specific command use 'help <command>'.
# PS C:\>
# PS C:\> jcmd 15204 VM.check_commercial_features
# 15204:
# Commercial Features are unlocked.
# Status of individual features:
# Java Flight Recorder has been used.
# Resource Management is disabled.
# Current Memory Restriction: None (0)
# PS C:\>
# PS C:\> jcmd 15204 VM.command_line
# 15204:
# VM Arguments:
# jvm_args: -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true
# java_command: <unknown>
# java_class_path (initial): C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_201\bin\\../lib/missioncontrol/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar
# Launcher Type: generic
# PS C:\>
# PS C:\> jcmd 15204 JFR.check
# 15204:
# Recording: recording=0 name="HotSpot default" (running)
# PS C:\>
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