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Last active October 24, 2021 04:57
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{-# LANGUAGE GADTs,LambdaCase,RankNTypes #-}
-- Copyright
module Lib where
import Prelude hiding (succ, fromIntegral)
type Digit n = (Num n, Eq n, Show n) => n
data Nat where
S :: (Eq n, Eq z, Show n, Show z, Num n, Num z, n ~ z) => Digit z -> Digit n -> Nat
Z :: () -> Nat
NZ :: Nat -> Nat
NS :: (Digit n -> Digit n -> Nat) -> Nat -> Nat
DIVzZ :: () -> Nat
instance Num Nat where
instance Eq Nat where
(Z _) == (Z _) = True
(NZ z) == (NZ n) = z == n
(NS _ z) == (NS _ n) = z == n
n == z = False
-- showsPrec d x r ++ s == showsPrec d x (r ++ s)
instance Show Nat where
showsPrec d (S z n) = showsPrec d z . showsPrec d '+' . showsPrec d n
showsPrec d (Z _) = showsPrec d (mempty :: String)
showsPrec d (NZ z) = showsPrec d '(' . showsPrec d z . showsPrec d ')'
showsPrec d (NS _ m) = showsPrec d '(' . showsPrec d m . showsPrec d ')'
showsPrec d (DIVzZ _)= showsPrec d "<<divding by zero already, son?>>"
(>>>) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
(>>>) z n = S z n
succ :: Nat -> Nat
succ btm@(DIVzZ _) = btm
succ f@(NZ _) = NS (S) f
succ (NS _ o) = NS (>>>) (shrink True o)
shrink :: Bool -> Nat -> Nat
shrink firstTime z@(Z _)
| firstTime = z
| otherwise = DIVzZ ()
fromIntegralHelper :: forall n. (Show n, Num n, Eq n) => Digit n -> (Nat, n)
fromIntegralHelper = \n -> foldr (\_ (n,z) -> if z == 0 then (n,z) else (succ n,negate 1 + z)) (NZ(Z ()),n) (repeat ())
fromIntegral :: forall n. (Show n, Num n, Eq n) => Digit n -> Nat
fromIntegral = fst . fromIntegralHelper
data VDiv where
VDiv :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> VDiv
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