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Created June 25, 2015 17:28
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module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
data Closure i o = R (i -> (o, Closure i o))
data Mark = X | O deriving (Show, Read, Ord)
instance Eq Mark where
X == X = True
O == O = True
_ == _ = False
inc :: Closure () Int
inc = go 0 where
go n = R $ \_ -> (n, go (n +1))
q :: i -> Closure i o -> (o, Closure i o)
q i (R f) = f i
data Tree a = Nil | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show)
type Table a = [a]
numTree :: Eq a => Tree a -> State (Table a) (Tree Int)
numTree Nil = return Nil
numTree (Node x t v)
= do
num <- numberNode x
t' <- numTree t
v' <- numTree v
return (Node num t' v')
numberNode :: Eq a => a -> State (Table a) (Int)
numberNode x =
table <- get
(newTable, x') <- return (nNode x table)
put newTable
return x'
nNode :: Eq a => a -> Table a -> (Table a, Int)
nNode x table =
case findInTable ( == x) table
Nothing -> (table ++ [x], length table)
Just i -> (table, i)
findInTable :: (a -> Bool) -> Table a -> Maybe Int
= findInTableHelper inc
findInTableHelper _ _ [] = Nothing
findInTableHelper incr f (t:ts)
if (f t) then Just count
else findInTableHelper c' f ts
(count,c') = q () incr
nTree :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree Int
nTree tree = evalState (numTree tree) []
append :: [a] -> a -> [a]
= (. return) . (++)
tTree :: Tree Mark
tTree = Node X (Node O Nil Nil) (Node O Nil (Node X Nil Nil))
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