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Last active August 15, 2016 09:19
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Excerpt From: Lea Verou. “CSS Secrets: Better Solutions to Everyday Web Design Problems”

A story of ice, fire, and vendor prefixes

In standards development, there is always a big catch-22: standards groups need input from developers to create specifications that address real development needs. However, developers are generally not interested in trying out things they can’t use in production. When experimental technologies get widely used in production, the WG is forced to stick with the early, experimental version of the technology, to avoid breaking several existing websites if they change it. Obviously, this completely negates the benefits of getting developers to try out early standards.

Over the years, many solutions have been proposed to address this conundrum, none of them perfect. The universally despised vendor prefixes were one of them. The idea was that every browser would be able to implement experimental (or even proprietary) features with their own prefix prepended to its name. The most common prefixes are -moz- for Firefox, -ms- for IE, -o- for Opera, and -webkit- for Safari and Chrome. Developers would be able to freely experiment with these prefixed features and provide feedback to the WG, which would then incorporate this feedback into the specs and slowly perfect the design of the feature. Because the final, standardized version would have a different name (no prefix), it wouldn’t collide with the existing uses of its prefixed counterparts.

Sounds great, right? Of course, as you probably know, the reality was quite different from the vision. When developers realized that these experimental, vendor-prefixed properties could make it so much easier to create effects that previously required messy workarounds, they started using them everywhere. Vendor-prefixed properties quickly became the CSS trend of the time. Tutorials were written, StackOverflow replies were given, and soon almost every self-respecting CSS developer was using them all over the place.

Eventually, authors realized that using only existing vendor prefixes meant they would have to go back to previous work and add new declarations every time another browser implemented their favorite cool new CSS feature. Not to mention how hard it became to keep up with which prefixes were needed for what feature. The solution? Add all possible vendor prefixes preemptively, including the unprefixed version at the end, to future-proof it. We ended up with code like the following:

-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-ms-border-radius: 10px;
-o-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;

Two of the declarations here are completely redundant: -ms-border-radius and -o-border-radius never existed in any browser, as IE and Opera implemented border-radius unprefixed from the get-go.

Obviously, repeating every declaration up to five times was tedious and unmaintainable. It was only a matter of time until tools were built to automate this: Websites like CSS3, Please! or pleeease allow you to paste your unprefixed CSS code and get back CSS with all necessary prefixes added. Such apps were among the first ideas devised to automate vendor prefix addition, but are not very popular anymore, as using them incurs quite a lot of overhead compared to other solutions.

Autoprefixer uses the database from Can I Use… to determine which prefixes to add to unprefixed code and compiles it locally, like a preprocessor.

My own -prefix-free performs feature testing in the browser to determine which prefixes are needed. The benefit is that it rarely needs updating, as it gets everything from the browser environment, including the list of properties.

Preprocessors like LESS or Sass don’t offer any means of prefixing out of the box, but many authors create mixins for the features they prefix most often, and there are several libraries of such mixins in circulation.

Because authors were using the unprefixed version of features as a means to future-proof their code, it became impossible to change them. We were basically stuck with half-baked early specs that we could change in very limited ways. It didn’t take long for everyone involved to realize that vendor prefixes were an epic failure.

These days, vendor prefixes are rarely used for new experimental implementations. Instead, experimental features require config flags to be turned on, effectively preventing developers from using them in production, as you can’t really tell users to change their settings in order to view your website properly. Of course, this has the consequence that fewer authors get to play with experimental features, but we still get enough feedback, and arguably, better quality feedback, without the drawbacks of vendor prefixes. However, it will be a long time before the ripple effects of vendor prefixes stop haunting us all.

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