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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save elsangedy/2c712e7413a68cbc2a75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elsangedy/2c712e7413a68cbc2a75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var app = (function() {
var App = function() {
var _modules = {
controllers: {},
directives: {},
constants: {},
services: {},
routes: {}
this.add = addFn;
this.get = getFn;
this.has = hasFn;
this.onRouteChange = onRouteChangeFn;
this.buildTemplate = buildTemplateFn;
function addFn(module, obj) {
return _modules[module][] = obj;
function getFn(module, name) {
return _modules[module][name];
function hasFn(module) {
return function(name) {
return (_modules[module][name] == name);
// TODO: review
function onRouteChangeFn() {
if(window.location.hash === '') {
window.location.hash = '/';
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1),
hashSplit = hash.split('/'),
console.log(hash, hashSplit);
for(var index in _modules.routes) {
if(_modules.routes.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
if(_modules.routes[index].url == hash) {
rota = _modules.routes[index];
if(rota) {
var routeParams = {},
params = (this.get('controllers', rota.controller)) ?
this.get('controllers', rota.controller).func(routeParams) :
this.buildTemplate(rota.template, params, rota.view);
} else {
this.buildTemplate('<div style="text-align:center"><h1>Error 404!</h1><h3>Route Not Foud.</h3></div>');
function buildTemplateFn(template, params, view) {
var matches = template.match(/{{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*}}/g);
params = params || {};
view = document.querySelector('[view="' + view + '"]') || document.body
if(matches !== null) {
for(var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; ++i) {
var key = matches[i].replace(/{{/g, ''),
key = key.replace(/}}/g, ''),
key = key.replace(/(?:(?:^|\n)\s+|\s+(?:$|\n))/g, '');
template = template.replace(matches[i], params[key] || '');
view.innerHTML = template;
var app = new App();
// public methods
App.prototype.controller = addControllerFn;
//App.prototype.directive = addDirectiveFn;
//App.prototype.constant = addConstantFn;
//App.prototype.service = addServiceFn;
App.prototype.route = addRouteFn;
App.prototype.hasController = app.has('controllers');
App.prototype.hasDirective = app.has('directives');
App.prototype.hasConstant = app.has('constants');
App.prototype.hasService = app.has('services');
App.prototype.hasRoute = app.has('routes');
App.prototype.has = hasFn;
App.prototype.noop = function(){}; = runFn;
return app;
function hasFn(module) {
return this.has(module);
function addControllerFn(name, ctrl) {
if(app.hasController(name)) return;
return this.add('controllers', {
name: name,
func: ctrl
function addRouteFn(name, url, view, tpl, ctrl) {
if(app.hasRoute(name)) return;
return this.add('routes', {
name: name,
url: url,
view: view,
template: tpl || '',
controller: ctrl || ''
function runFn() {
window.addEventListener('hashchange', this.onRouteChange.bind(this), false);
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div view="main"></div>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
var ctrl = app.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
var vm = {};
vm.firstName = 'Munir';
vm.lastName = 'Ahmed';
return vm;
app.route('home', '/', 'main', '<h1>Home</h1>');
app.route('main', '/alunos/ativos', 'main', '<h1>Hellow World! {{ firstName }} {{ lastName }}</h1>', 'MainCtrl');;
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