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Created November 29, 2024 23:18
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An example of manipulating FCs for hover text
module TacticModeExample
import Language.Reflection
import Language.Reflection.TTImp
%default total
%language ElabReflection
unApp' : SnocList TTImp -> TTImp -> (TTImp, List TTImp)
unApp' sx (IApp fc f x) = unApp' (sx :< x) f
unApp' sx t = (t, cast sx)
unApp : TTImp -> (TTImp, List TTImp)
unApp = unApp' [<]
unfoldDo : TTImp -> Elab (List (FC, String, List TTImp))
unfoldDo = (map reverse) . go []
fromApp : TTImp -> Elab (FC, String, List TTImp)
fromApp term = case unApp term of
(IVar fc name, args) => pure (fc, show name, args)
_ => failAt (getFC term) "invalid tactic"
go : List (FC, String, List TTImp) -> TTImp -> Elab (List (FC, String, List TTImp))
go acc term@(IApp _ (IApp _ func arg0) arg1) = if func == `((>>))
then go (!(fromApp arg0) :: acc) arg1
else pure $ !(fromApp term) :: acc
go acc term = pure $ !(fromApp term) :: acc
runTactics : List (FC, String, List TTImp) -> Elab a
runTactics [] = fail "unsolved goals"
runTactics ((fc, "exact", [arg]) :: _) = check arg
runTactics ((fc, "hoverHere", _) :: ts) = do
auxName <- genSym "aux"
goalName <- genSym "goal"
-- a fake context for illustration purposes
let ty := `({x, y : Nat} -> x = y)
declare [
IClaim EmptyFC MW Private [] (MkTy EmptyFC EmptyFC auxName ty),
IDef EmptyFC auxName [
-- note that this uses the tactic's FC for the hole
PatClause EmptyFC (IVar EmptyFC auxName) (IHole fc (show $ goalName))
runTactics ts
runTactics ((fc, _, _) :: _) = failAt fc "unknown tactic"
tacticMode : TTImp -> Elab a
tacticMode term = do
tactics <- unfoldDo term
runTactics tactics
example : Nat -> Nat
example n = %runElab tacticMode `(do
exact (S n)
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