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Created January 29, 2016 01:18
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Save elsehow/841892aaaef9b136806b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
install error on ubuntu
183837 info preinstall abp-filter-parser-cpp@1.1.5
183838 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle false
183839 info abp-filter-parser-cpp@1.1.5 Failed to exec preinstall script
183840 verbose unlock done using /home/ffff/.npm/_locks/abp-filter-parser-cpp-222f0f388a7a923b.lock for /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/abp-filter-parser-cpp
183841 verbose stack Error: tracking-protection@1.0.8 preinstall: `npm install hashset-cpp && npm install cppunitlite`
183841 verbose stack Exit status 1
183841 verbose stack at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:214:16)
183841 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
183841 verbose stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/spawn.js:24:14)
183841 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17)
183841 verbose stack at maybeClose (child_process.js:766:16)
183841 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:833:5)
183842 verbose pkgid tracking-protection@1.0.8
183843 verbose cwd /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop
183844 error Linux 3.19.0-47-generic
183845 error argv "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install"
183846 error node v0.10.41
183847 error npm v2.14.15
183848 error code ELIFECYCLE
183849 error tracking-protection@1.0.8 preinstall: `npm install hashset-cpp && npm install cppunitlite`
183849 error Exit status 1
183850 error Failed at the tracking-protection@1.0.8 preinstall script 'npm install hashset-cpp && npm install cppunitlite'.
183850 error This is most likely a problem with the tracking-protection package,
183850 error not with npm itself.
183850 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
183850 error npm install hashset-cpp && npm install cppunitlite
183850 error You can get their info via:
183850 error npm owner ls tracking-protection
183850 error There is likely additional logging output above.
183851 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
183852 verbose unbuild node_modules/tracking-protection
183853 info preuninstall tracking-protection@1.0.8
183854 info uninstall tracking-protection@1.0.8
183855 verbose unbuild rmStuff tracking-protection@1.0.8 from /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules
183856 info postuninstall tracking-protection@1.0.8
183857 silly gentlyRm /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/tracking-protection is being purged from base /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop
183858 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/tracking-protection
183859 silly vacuum-fs purging /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/tracking-protection
183860 silly vacuum-fs quitting because other entries in /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules
183861 verbose unbuild node_modules/abp-filter-parser-cpp
183862 info preuninstall abp-filter-parser-cpp@1.1.5
183863 info uninstall abp-filter-parser-cpp@1.1.5
183864 verbose unbuild rmStuff abp-filter-parser-cpp@1.1.5 from /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules
183865 info postuninstall abp-filter-parser-cpp@1.1.5
183866 silly gentlyRm /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/abp-filter-parser-cpp is being purged from base /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop
183867 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/abp-filter-parser-cpp
183868 silly vacuum-fs purging /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules/abp-filter-parser-cpp
183869 silly vacuum-fs quitting because other entries in /home/ffff/Downloads/browser-laptop/node_modules
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