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Created June 27, 2015 03:51
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Forked from
Edited down for the sake of tutorial.
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
'''Here all functions related to the analysis of EEG signal,
using methods based on the power spectrum'''
def pSpectrum(vector):
A = np.fft.fft(vector)
ps = np.abs(A)**2
ps = ps[:len(ps)/2]
return ps
def powerSpectraArray (pspectra,xOutput):
'''Computes an average power spectrum
from multiple power spectra, and returns
(interpolated) evaluations for xOutput values '''
l = len(pspectra)
array = np.zeros([l,len(xOutput)])
for i,ps in enumerate(pspectra):
x = np.arange(1,len(ps)+1)
f = interp1d(x,ps/np.sum(ps))
array[i] = f(x)
index = np.argwhere(array[:,0]==-1)
array = np.delete(array,index,0)
return array
# take all values for now
def getXOutput(spectrumSize, vectorSize):
return range(1, spectrumSize+1)
The get the average and the confidence intervals you need to process the array output as the following:
a,s = avgPowerSpectrum(pspectra,xOutput)
p = 1 #(confidence interval parameter, here 1%-99%)
pDown = np.percentile(a,p,axis=0)
pUp = np.percentile(a,100-p,axis=0)
avg = np.mean(a,0)
std = np.std(a,0)
def avgPowerSpectrum (powerSpectra, xOutput):
spectra = powerSpectraArray(powerSpectra,xOutput)
return np.mean(spectra, 0)
# confidenceIntervalParameter of 1 is 1%-99%
def avgPercentileUp (powerSpectra, xOutput, confidenceIntervalParameter):
spectra = powerSpectraArray(powerSpectra,xOutput)
return np.percentile(spectra,100-confidenceIntervalParameter,axis=0)
def avgPercentileDown (powerSpectra, xOutput, confidenceIntervalParameter):
spectra = powerSpectraArray(powerSpectra,xOutput)
return np.percentile(spectra,confidenceIntervalParameter,axis=0)
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