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Created April 17, 2021 14:54
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Porkbun Domain Price List
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq pup utillinux
declare -x PB_YEARS=${PB_YEARS:-5}
declare -x PB_LIMIT=${PB_LIMIT:-23}
echo "Loading the $PB_LIMIT cheapest (over $PB_YEARS years) TLDs from"
echo; (
cat .pbcache.json 2>/dev/null ||
curl -ksSLo- ''
) \
| pup '.domainsPricingAllExtensionsItem .row json{}' \
| jq -r '
def round: . * 100 | ceil / 100;
def parse: . | gsub(","; "") | tonumber | round;
url: .children[0].children[ 0].href,
tld: .children[0].children[ 0].text | ltrimstr("."),
reg: .children[1].children[-1].text | parse | round,
ren: .children[2].children[-1].text | parse | round,
xfr: .children[3].children[-1].text | parse | round,
} |
sum: (.reg + ((env.PB_YEARS | tonumber) - 1) * .ren) | round
} |
sort_by(.sum)[0:(env.PB_LIMIT | tonumber)]
' \
| jq -r '.[] | map(.) | @tsv' \
| column -t -O2,6,3,4,5 -R6,3,4,5 -H1 \
-N"URL","TLD","Register","Renew","Transfer","${PB_YEARS} years"
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