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Created April 9, 2015 23:18
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Warmup for TECH603 day 6
# 1. Create a class named Country
# 2. Add read/write support for the following attributes:
# :id
# :name
# :population
# :capital
# 3. Create an instance of your Country class
# 4. Set the attributes for Angola:
# "id" => "AGO"
# "name" => "Angola"
# "population" => 21_471_618
# "capital" => "Luanda"
# 5. Add a to_s method for the country that displays all of the attributes:
# angola.to_s
# # => "Angola [AGO], capital: Luanda, population: 21471618.
# 6. Show an example of code that will call the method you just defined without
# explicitly calling it.
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