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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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VLC Media Center / Browsing / Browsing Design Document/Discussion

Medias Center Design Document


Let's start with a positive message

In this document i'll gather thoughts, use cases, design ideas about refactoring (and hardly simplifying) the VLC playlist code, as well as adding a new separate subsystem for handling media discovery, browsing and searching features.

Any constructive comment (below or as a fork) is highly welcome and will be discussed and/or integrated. Any troll or disrepectfull comment will place shame on the family of the author for approximatively 2.1 decades.

Why ?

This work started because media discovery and browsing in VLC currently sucks pretty hard. This is my own opinion bu it seems to be shared, at least, by a few regular contributors of the project. All this code is IMO too complex and in some place really hacky. Also, this is pretty hard to see the lines between the parts of the code that are responsible for finding medias and the parts that are playing them, all the code seems just too tighly coupled to me.

I first run accross these issues when working on a simple service discovery module for an API I was writing and rediscovered it later when i was thinking about liBDSM integration. I'd like to share with you a few stuffs i've found on this topic while wandering in the code:

  • When you open a directory vlc file:///my_folder/ there's an access module that will readdir folder content and output an XSPF playlist in a buffer that will be picked up by the XSPF module. (modules/access/directory.c)
  • Since playlist need to be read first before being parsed, all the playlist parsing code is treated as a 'demux' (modules/demux/playlist/*.c, seems legit)
  • If you go into the main playlist structure (include/vlc_playlist.h), there are 6 pointers that are duplicate of the others, i assume for historical reasons
  • Every playlist_item_it holds a pointer on a vlc_input_item_t, that in turn contains data about ES, a lock, an event_manager, some stats, etc. Most of which is totally useless or too complex when just managing a playlist
  • In the main playlist object, every input_item_t gets stored in a flat array as well as in on of the playlist tree
  • Most of SD (especially LUA ones) are creating an input by hand when they need to access a remote HTTP API
  • More juice to come.

When you see each of this point alone, you can find a decent design decision. When you watch all of this together, you might regard this whole stuff as a mess.

Then what ?

Cut, Shave, Clean. When something is too big and too complex, one cuts it appart. Here, i think we have 3 main stuffs:

  • The core playlist, i.e. a simple list of items that needs to be played, one after the other
  • A Media library that need to references all the medias that are on the local machine, or the user wants to organize and find very quickly.
  • A remote Medias browsing service, i.e. some kind of lazy Vfs.

Isn't that what we have already ? Not quite. Right now we have one big subsytem that does it all. Ask yourself those questions ?

  • Does the core playlist really needs a tree structure ? (see the ~GetNext() function to have an idea)
  • Does the media library needs so many complex data structures ? Does it need this tree structure where everybody uses tags (which is also the nature of metadata)
    • Does it needs to know everything about the core ? (and vice-versa)
    • Can you implement a media library using only public libvlc public API ? Yes (I've had student who've done this for an assignment).
  • The media discovering and browsing shit it the only one that might need most of the actual complexity of this system and maybe more, but since it's tighly coupled to the core and to the universe, nobody wants to extend it as it'd require too much refactoring.
    • Does it needs to know everything about the core ? (and vice-versa) Yeah ... a little bit if you don't want to rewrite ftp/http/... access
    • Can you implement a media discovery solution and having the media played using only libVLC public api ? (Yep, same student did that as well, but there was some redundancy with some access modules)

I suggest that we cut all of this into three distinct subsytems:

  • Simplify the core playlist as much as possible :
    • Removing media_library from the core playlist system.
    • Removing SDs
    • Making the playlist a flat structure instead of a tree but keep the rest untouched not to break the core that rely heavily on the playlist.
  • Implements a proper media library, on top of something like Xapian
  • Implements a modular ''Vfs'' like thing for browsing, reusing VLC module infrastructure whenever possible (mostly access)

Use cases

If you read this, please help me fill this section with ya comments

* FIXME: Continue writing this *

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fkuehne commented May 18, 2014

This is an excellent summary of the current situation. Your proposals to solve the current situation make a lot of sense.

Regarding a re-write of the media library (which is definitely needed), we might want to consider to use within libvlccore in addition its currently scheduled use as a media library library external to libvlc (replacing MediaLibraryKit on iOS and similar duplicated code on Android and the WinRT platforms). This needs quite a bit of refactoring of the current media library code as lined out in your essay already, but clearly worth the squeeze (finally more than one user-facing playlist in VLC like in competing apps?).

Use cases:

  • well, deploying the same libvlc with discovery and browsing backends is the actual goal, which allows us to share code between the mobile platforms and to improve the feature set once with the ability to deploy it immediately on all external platforms (only 3 so far, but 5 to 7 very soon).
  • within mainline VLC with internal interface modules, the benefit would be to deploy more advanced discoveries and to be able to offer the same level of features and feature quality like on mobile. Despite mobile ports being "feature reduced" because of a simplified UI, there is a lot innovation going on and there are quite a feature features non-supported on the desktop now. For the ordinary user, it is hard to explain why VLC on her phone supports functionality totally non-supported on the desktop.
  • DLNA and ChromeCast / HTTP interfaces. So far, browsing VLC's loaded contents from outside the running application is a tough endeavor. To truly support DLNA, a UPnP-Media-Displayer needs to be able to control VLC on a different device, trigger on-the-fly transcoding as needed, browse available file system and much more. This is hardly supportable with the current architecture. By keeping those future features in mind, a re-write as lined out above would be an amazing leap ahead.

Once your plan is settled, we should share it on vlc-devel before actually diving in the fun of implementing all of this :)

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