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Created January 22, 2009 18:16
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Save eltiare/50647 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A quick and dirty image combiner for CSS sprites
# Name your files something along the lines of file_name_1.jpg (all with same extensions,
# including casing if important on your OS) and this script will combine them in order,
# create a directory named 'sprites' and put the resulting CSS sprite image in that dir.
# Run this script in the directory that contains files that you want to combine. Takes
# one argument, specifying the highest number that the script will go up to. It defaults to 3.
# So if you have # 4 images for each sprite, simply pass the number 4 to the script like so:
# ./spriter.rb 4
# Requires the Imagick libraries to be installed along with the rmagick gem.
require 'RMagick'
include Magick
file_bases = {}
extensions = ['jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg']
num_in_sprite = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0].to_i : 3
Dir.entries('.').each do |file|
# Files that have a format of (filename_number.ext)
if (file =~ %r"^(.*)_[1-9][0-9]*\.(#{extensions.join('|')})$"i)
file_bases[$1] ||= $2
Dir.mkdir('./sprites') unless'./sprites')
file_bases.each do |base, format|
sprite =
1.upto(num_in_sprite) { |i| sprite << Image::read("#{base}_#{i}\.#{format}").first }
sprite = sprite.append(true)
sprite.write(File.join('./sprites',"#{base}.#{format}") )
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