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Created February 8, 2011 13:33
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Lift-Record Password Field
import java.util.regex._
import scala.xml._
import org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt
import net.liftweb._
import common._
import http.S
import http.js._
import json.JsonAST.{JNothing, JNull, JString, JValue}
import mongodb.record.field._
import mongodb.record._
import net.liftweb.record._
import net.liftweb.record.field._
import util._
import Helpers._
import S._
import JE._
object PasswordField {
@volatile var blankPw = "*******"
@volatile var minPasswordLength = 6
@volatile var logRounds = 10
private[lib] def hashpw(in: String): Box[String] =
tryo(BCrypt.hashpw(in, BCrypt.gensalt(logRounds)))
trait PasswordTypedField extends TypedField[String] {
def maxLength: Int
def confirmField: Box[TypedField[String]] //
* Call this after validation and before it is saved to the db to hash
* the password. Eg. in the finish method of a screen.
def hashIt {
valueBox foreach { v =>
* jBCrypt throws "String index out of range" exception
* if password is an empty String
def match_?(toTest: String): Boolean = valueBox
.filter(_.length > 0)
.flatMap(p => tryo(BCrypt.checkpw(toTest, p)))
private def elem = S.fmapFunc(SFuncHolder(this.setFromAny(_))){
funcName => <input type="password" maxlength={maxLength.toString}
value={valueBox openOr ""}
tabindex={tabIndex toString}/>}
override def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] =
uniqueFieldId match {
case Full(id) => Full(elem % ("id" -> (id + "_field")))
case _ => Full(elem)
class PasswordField[OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]](rec: OwnerType, maxLength: Int, _confirmField: Box[TypedField[String]])
extends StringField[OwnerType](rec, maxLength) with PasswordTypedField {
val confirmField = _confirmField
* If confirmField is Full, check it against the inputted value.
private def valMatch(msg: => String)(value: String): List[FieldError] = {
confirmField.filterNot( == value).map(p =>
FieldError(this, Text(msg))
override def validations =
valMatch("Passwords must match.") _ ::
valMinLen(PasswordField.minPasswordLength, "Password must be at least "+PasswordField.minPasswordLength+" characters.") _ ::
valMaxLen(maxLength, "Password must be "+maxLength+" characters or less.") _ ::
override def setFilter = trim _ :: super.setFilter
* Use this when creating users programatically. It allows chaining:
*"").password("pass1", true).save
* This will automatically hash the plain text password if isPlain is
* true.
def apply(in: String, isPlain: Boolean): OwnerType = {
val hashed =
if (isPlain)
PasswordField.hashpw(in) openOr ""
if (owner.meta.mutable_?) {
} else {
owner.meta.createWithMutableField(owner, this, Full(hashed))
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