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Created January 19, 2014 21:10
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Save elusiveunit/8511051 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Using Console2 as a Git Bash wrapper

On Windows 7. Assumed setup, edit .reg file if needed:

  • Git in C:/Program Files (x86)/Git
  • Console2 in C:/Console2
  • A tab in Console2 called 'Git Bash' (-t flag in the .reg file) with the shell C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe --login -i

The .reg file adds an item to open a shell in the current directory, just like 'Git Bash Here' from msysgit. console.xml is the Console2 settings file.

# By default, git seems to belive the shell isn't capable of color. Can also try 'cygwin'
export TERM='msys'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<console change_refresh="10" refresh="100" rows="45" columns="180" buffer_rows="500" buffer_columns="0" init_dir="C:\" start_hidden="0" save_size="0" shell="">
<!-- Default -->
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<!-- Solarized with gray background -->
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<!-- Custom WIP -->
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Git Console2"
@="\"C:\\Console2\\Console.exe\" -t \"Git Bash\" -d \"%V\""
@="Git Console2"
@="\"C:\\Console2\\Console.exe\" -t \"Git Bash\" -d \"%V\""
set bell-style none
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