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Created June 11, 2018 18:24
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Idea for assoc_list_helpers (for going to and fro associated lists on specific keys and as a whole) (untested, and/or incomplete implementations)
* Idea for assoc_list_helpers (for going to and fro associated lists on specific keys and as a whole) (untested, and/or incomplete implementations)
* Returns an associated list on incoming's object type.
* @note Does deep conversion on all values of passed in type's type.
* @note Useful for working with object primitive (json and the like).
* @function module:objectOps._toAssocList
* @param obj {(Object|Array|*)}
* @param [TypeConstraint = undefined] {Constructor|Function|undefined}.
* @returns {Array.<*, *>}
toAssocList = (obj, TypeConstraint) => !obj ? [] : keys(obj).map(key =>
TypeConstraint && _isType(TypeConstraint, obj[key]) ?
[key, toAssocList(obj[key])] :
[key, obj[key]]
* From associated list to object.
* @note Considers array of arrays associated lists.
* @function module:objectOps.fromAssocList
* @param xs {Array.<Array>} - Associated list.
* @returns {Object}
fromAssocList = xs => !xs ? {} : xs.reduce((agg, [key, value]) => {
if (isArray(value) && isArray(value[0])) {
agg[key] = fromAssocList(value);
return agg;
agg[key] = value;
return agg;
}, {}),
* Converts incoming object into an associated lists and all subsequently
* all objects found at `key`
* @function module:_objectOps._toAssocListOnKey
* @param key {*} - Usually a string.
* @param obj {*} - Object to convert on.
* @returns {any[]} - Associated list
_toAssocListOnKey = (key, obj) => _toAssocListOnKeys([key], obj),
* Converts all objects found at keys contained in `ks` to associated lists. Additionally, only
* values found that match the given constraint-type will be converted. (Returns a copy of incoming object).
* @note This method is recursive and will search the given objects tree recursively.
* @note All objects in object tree are copies of original(s).
* @function module:_objectOps._toAssocListOnKeys
* @param ks {Array.<*>} - Keys. Usually `Array.<String>`.
* @param obj {*} - Object to convert on.
* @param [TypeConstraint=Object] {Constructor|Function} - Type constraint for key value. Default `Object`.
* @returns {Array}
_toAssocListOnKeys = (ks, obj, TypeConstraint = Object) =>
keys(obj).reduce((agg, key) => {
const foundObj = obj[key],
matchesConstrainedType = (TypeConstraint && _isType(TypeConstraint, foundObj)),
keyValNeedsConversion = ks.includes(key) && matchesConstrainedType;
if (keyValNeedsConversion) {
agg[key] = keys(foundObj).map(k => {
return _isType(TypeConstraint, foundObj[k]) ?
[k, _toAssocListOnKeys(ks, foundObj[k], TypeConstraint)] :
[k, foundObj]
return agg;
}, _assign(TypeConstraint ? new TypeConstraint() : {}, obj)
* @note Considers array of arrays associated lists.
* @function module:objectOps.fromAssocList
* @param key {String|*}
* @param xs {Array.<Array>} - Associated list.
* @returns {*}
_fromAssocListOnKey = (key, xs) => _fromAssocListOnKeys([key], xs),
* Converts an associated list into an object and any subsequent key matching `keys`
* @function module:objectOps.fromAssocListOnKeys
* @param ks {Array.<String>} - Property keys array.
* @param xs {Array|*} - Associated list.
* @returns {Object}
_fromAssocListOnKeys = (ks, xs) => !xs ? [] : xs.reduce((agg, [k, value]) => {
if (ks.includes(k) && isArray(value) && isArray(value[0])) {
agg[k] = _fromAssocListOnKeys(ks, value);
return agg;
agg[k] = value;
return agg;
}, {}),
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