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Created November 7, 2022 19:53
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object FullRequestHandler {
implicit val executionContext =
type Payload = ByteBuffer
val handler = new FullRequestHandler[ByteBuffer, String, String, Option[String]] {
val clients = mutable.HashSet.empty[NotifiableClient[String, Option[String]]]
val events = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
override val initialState = Future.successful(None)
override def onRequest(client: NotifiableClient[String, Option[String]], state: Future[Option[String]], path: List[String], payload: ByteBuffer) = {
def deserialize[S: Pickler](ts: ByteBuffer) = Unpickle[S].fromBytes(ts)
def serialize[S: Pickler](ts: S) = Right(Pickle.intoBytes[S](ts))
def value[S: Pickler](ts: S, events: List[String] = Nil) = Future.successful(ReturnValue(serialize(ts), events))
def valueFut[S: Pickler](ts: Future[S], events: List[String] = Nil) = => ReturnValue(serialize(ts), events))
def error(ts: String, events: List[String] = Nil) = Future.successful(ReturnValue(Left(ts), events))
path match {
case "getAllTypeDocuments" :: Nil => Response(state, value(true))
case "getAllUsers" :: Nil => Response(state, value(true))
override def onEvent(client: NotifiableClient[String, Option[String]], state: Future[Option[String]], newEvents: List[String]) = {
events ++= newEvents
val downstreamEvents = => s"${event}-ok")
Reaction(state, Future.successful(downstreamEvents))
override def onClientConnect(client: NotifiableClient[String, Option[String]], state: Future[Option[String]]): Unit = {
client.notify ( _ => Future.successful ( "started" :: Nil ) )
clients += client
override def onClientDisconnect( client: NotifiableClient[String, Option[String]], state: Future[Option[String]], reason: DisconnectReason): Unit = {
clients -= client
object RESTServer extends App {
import FullRequestHandler._
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val executionContext =
import myceliumHandler.FullRequestHandler._
val builder = implicitly[AkkaMessageBuilder[ByteBuffer]]
val serializer = implicitly[Serializer[ClientMessage[ByteBuffer], ByteBuffer]]
val deserializer = implicitly[Deserializer[ServerMessage[ByteBuffer, String, String], ByteBuffer]]
val config = WebsocketServerConfig(bufferSize = 5, overflowStrategy =
val server = WebsocketServer.withPayload(config, handler)
val binding = Http().newServerAt(interface, port).bindFlow(handleWebSocketMessages(server.flow()))
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