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Created May 3, 2021 15:09
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class ConnectionScarango {
implicit val ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext =
Profig.initConfiguration().map { in => println(in) }
lazy val db = new ArangoDB(credentials = Some(Credentials("root", "jctaurys")))
lazy val dbExample = db.api.db("example")
//lazy val collection = dbExample.collection("proveedores")
class CRecipeScarango extends ConnectionScarango {
def byId(item: Recipe): Future[Either[String, (Recipe, EventsDoobieResult)]] = {
lazy val collection = dbExample.collection("tblrecipe")
val identi = item.fiscal_period + "-" + item.folio
for {
_ <- db.init()
res <- collection.document.get[Recipe](
} yield res match {
case Some(i) => (res.get, FoundDoobie()).asRight[String]
case None => (Recipe(), NotFoundDoobie()).asRight[String]
def insert(item: Recipe) = {
lazy val collection = dbExample.collection("tblrecipe")
val itemUpdated = item.copy( _id = + "-" + item.folio))
for {
_ <- db.init()
res <- collection.document.insertOne(itemUpdated)
} yield ((item, FoundDoobie())).asRight[String]
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