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Created October 26, 2019 20:11
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package manik1.modules.lstBienesStore
import outwatch.ext.monix.util._
import monix.reactive.Observable
import spatutorial.shared.{LstItems, QryRenglon, Renglon}
import cats.effect.IO
import boopickle.Default._
import mycelium.client._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class LstBienesStore {
sealed trait ActionsStore
case object Search extends ActionsStore
case class UpdateLstItems(l: LstItems[QryRenglon]) extends ActionsStore
case class UpdateField(field: String, value: String) extends ActionsStore
case class UpdateItemPrecio(field: String, value: String, col: Int, row: Int) extends ActionsStore
case class UpdateIdAndDescription(id: String, description: String) extends ActionsStore
case class UpdateStoreAndSaveDB(precio: Double) extends ActionsStore
case object InsertItem extends ActionsStore
case object Clean extends ActionsStore
case object Saved extends ActionsStore
case object NotSaved extends ActionsStore
case class UpdateRowActive(row: Int) extends ActionsStore
case class ServerFailure(msg: String) extends ActionsStore
case class RowActive(rowActive: Int = 0)
case class ItemNew(row: Int)
Vamos a usar variables para ver si esta editanto o es nuevo, despues se tiene que usar FSM.
case class State ( lstBienes: LstItems[QryRenglon] = LstItems(Seq.empty[QryRenglon]),
rowActive: RowActive = RowActive(),
itemNew: ItemNew = ItemNew(row = 0),
processingSideEffect: Option[String] = None)
val reduce: (State, ActionsStore) => (State, Observable[ActionsStore]) = (s, a) => {
a match {
case UpdateRowActive(rowAct) =>
val setRowActive = RowActive(rowActive = rowAct)
(s.copy(rowActive = setRowActive), Observable.empty)
case Clean =>
(s.copy(lstBienes = LstItems(Seq.empty[QryRenglon])), Observable.empty)
case UpdateLstItems(lst) =>
val newList = lst.items.sortBy(_.renglon)
val lastRenglon = newList.size + 1
val newItem = QryRenglon(renglon = lastRenglon)
val newItems = (newList :+ newItem).sortBy(_.renglon)
(s.copy(lstBienes = LstItems(newItems), itemNew = ItemNew(lastRenglon)), Observable.empty)
case InsertItem =>
println("Testing inserting an Item!!!")
val lastRenglon = s.lstBienes.items.size + 1
val newItem = QryRenglon(renglon = lastRenglon)
val newItems = (s.lstBienes.items :+ newItem).sortBy(_.renglon)
(s.copy(lstBienes = s.lstBienes.copy(items = newItems)), Observable.empty)
case UpdateIdAndDescription(id, descripc) =>
val curItem = s.lstBienes.items(s.rowActive.rowActive - 1)
val curItemUpdated = curItem.copy(cve_articulo = id, descripcion_articulo = descripc)
val lstUpdated = s.lstBienes.updatedByIdx(s.rowActive.rowActive - 1, curItemUpdated)
(s.copy(lstBienes = lstUpdated), Observable.empty)
case UpdateField(field, value) =>
val curItemUpdated = if (field == "cantidad")
s.lstBienes.items(s.rowActive.rowActive - 1).copy(cantidad = value.toInt)
else QryRenglon()
val lstUpdated = s.lstBienes.updatedByIdx(s.rowActive.rowActive - 1, curItemUpdated)
(s.copy(lstBienes = lstUpdated), Observable.empty)
case UpdateStoreAndSaveDB(precio) =>
val curItemUpdated = s.lstBienes.items(s.rowActive.rowActive - 1).copy(precio = precio)
val lstUpdated = s.lstBienes.updatedByIdx(s.rowActive.rowActive - 1, curItemUpdated)
val actionSave = if (s.rowActive.rowActive == s.itemNew.row) insertRenglon(curItemUpdated)
else saveRenglon(curItemUpdated)
(s.copy(lstBienes = lstUpdated), actionSave)
case ServerFailure(msg) =>
(s, Observable.empty)
case Saved => (s, Observable.empty)
case NotSaved => (s, Observable.empty)
case otros =>
println("¡Algo malo paso y no sabemos que!!!")
(s, Observable.empty)
private def saveRenglon(reng: QryRenglon) = Observable.fromFuture {
val item = Renglon(ejercicio = reng.ejercicio,cve_oficina = reng.cve_oficina,folio = reng.folio,renglon = reng.renglon,cve_articulo = reng.cve_articulo,cantidad = reng.cantidad,precio = reng.precio)
WSCovenant.api.saveRenglon(item).map {
case Right(value) => Saved
case Left(error) => ServerFailure(error)
private def insertRenglon(reng: QryRenglon) = Observable.fromFuture {
val item = Renglon(ejercicio = reng.ejercicio,cve_oficina = reng.cve_oficina,folio = reng.folio,renglon = reng.renglon,cve_articulo = reng.cve_articulo,cantidad = reng.cantidad,precio = reng.precio)
WSCovenant.api.insertRenglon(item).map {
case Right(value) => Saved
case Left(error) => ServerFailure(error)
val initState = State()
//val store = Store.create[IO, ActionsStore, State](Clean, initState, reduce).unsafeRunSync()
val store = Store.create[IO](Clean, initState, reduce).unsafeRunSync()
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