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Created March 8, 2013 19:21
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Save elyseholladay/5119049 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SASS Named Breakpoints
// Simple Responsive Grid
// based on Chris Eppstein's SASS responsive layouts
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// DESKTOP - LARGE - %desktop-large ----------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 1024px and up to 1280px at which it becomes fixed
@media all and (min-width: 1024px)
float: left
// border: 1px solid blue
@for $grid from 1 through 12
@extend %desktop-large-column
width: 8% * $grid
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// DESKTOP SMALL / HORIZ iPAD - %desktop-small------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 640px to 1024px
@media all and (min-width: 640px) and (max-width: 1024px)
float: left
// border: 1px solid red
@for $grid from 1 through 12
@extend %desktop-small-column
width: 8% * $grid
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// VERTICAL iPAD / LARGE MOBILE - %mobile-half ----------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 520px to 768px - still 2 col but twice as large column width
//@media all and (min-width: 520px) and (max-width: 768px)
@media all and (max-width: 768px)
float: left
// border: 1px solid green
@for $grid from 1 through 12
@extend %mobile-half
width: 16% * $grid
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ALL MOBILE - %mobile-full ------------------------------------ //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 0 to 520px - full width, no columns
@media all and (max-width: 520px)
float: none
width: 100%
// border: 1px solid purple
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// MEDIA QUERIES ----------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Where a class needs to be edited based on a breakpoint, include:
// @include breakpoint(large/medium/small/tiny) and pick the size you want to edit
// then indent a line after that and put whatever edited styles.
// see .grid_container below for example.
@mixin breakpoint($point)
@if $point == large
@media (max-width: 1280px)
@if $point == medium
@media (max-width: 1024px)
@if $point == small
@media (max-width: 768px)
@else if $point == tiny
@media (max-width: 520px)
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// SIDEBAR ------------------------------------------------------ //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
@extend %desktop-large-3
@extend %desktop-small-3
@extend %mobile-half-3
@extend %mobile-full
padding: 27px 0 4% 0
@include grid-margin-right(4%)
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// MAIN CONTENT ------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
@extend %desktop-large-9
@extend %desktop-small-9
@extend %mobile-half-3
@extend %mobile-full
padding: 50px 0 4% 0
// full_width class for when there is no sidebar
@extend %desktop-large-12
@extend %desktop-small-12
@extend %mobile-half-6
@extend %mobile-full
// etc etc etc
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