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Last active June 16, 2020 11:54
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Hacky, brittle code just for a quick demo of multi-folding in Roam. See
//// Inject jQuery by uncommenting this and pasting this in your console
//var jq = document.createElement('script');
//jq.src = "";
//// ... give time for script to load, then type (or see below for non wait option)
// JS to paste in your console
//first toggles the first level of indenting, which was so annoying to detect structurally I'm just recognizing as those blocks that have Roam's H3 (Cmd-Alt-3)
//mode can be 'show' or 'hide' or nothing, in which case it defaults to toggle
function first(mode) {
let firsts = $(".rm-level3").parent().parent();
firsts[mode || 'toggle']();
//toggle Roam's closed bullets;
let seconds = $("div.flex-v-box.block-border-left div.flex-v-box.block-border-left");
let zeros = $('.roam-article > div:first-child > div:first-child + div.flex-v-box > div.flex-v-box');
let addRemoveClassZeros = (( firsts.first().css('display') == 'none' ) ? 'add' : 'remove')+'Class';
zeros.has(".rm-level3").find('.simple-bullet-outer')[ addRemoveClassZeros ]('roam-bullet-closed');
let addRemoveClassFirsts = (( seconds.first().css('display') == 'none' ) ? 'add' : 'remove')+'Class';
firsts.parent().has("div.flex-v-box.block-border-left").find('.simple-bullet-outer')[ addRemoveClassFirsts ]('roam-bullet-closed');
//toggle triangles
let navi = $('.tocNavi .first');
if(mode == 'hide') {
} else if(mode == 'show') {
} else {
//second is the second level of indenting. The way I'm detecting them will not disambiguate further levels!
function second(mode) {
let seconds = $("div.flex-v-box.block-border-left div.flex-v-box.block-border-left");
seconds[mode || 'toggle']();
let navi = $('.tocNavi .second');
if(mode == 'hide') {
} else if(mode == 'show') {
} else {
//this inserts the triangle toggles that will show hovering on the page's title
$('div.roam-article h1.rm-title-display').parent().hover(
function() {
if( $(this).find('.tocNavi').length == 0 ) {
'<div class="tocNavi" style="margin-top:-21px; color:#6d7378">'+
'<span class="first" onclick="first(); second(\'hide\');" style="cursor:pointer; display:inline-block; margin-right:20px"><b>▾</b><strong style="display:none">▸</strong></span>'+
'<span class="second" onclick="second(); first(\'show\'); " style="cursor:pointer"><b>▾</b><strong style="display:none">▸</strong></span>'+
}, function() {
//Oh btw, you will have to run the Roam "Expand all" command (accesible by right clicking on the page's title) before these toggles work correctly.
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