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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Quantifying Monotony Aversion
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
import cPickle as pickle
from itertools import groupby
def update_cluster_stats(user, followees, tweets,
position_counts, position_reactions):
# reconstruct user's timeline
timeline = sorted([tweet for tweet in tweets
if tweet[0] in followees],
reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
# empty timeline
if len(timeline) == 0:
return cluster_reactions, position_counts, position_reactions
# ids of all tweets reacted to by user
reactions = [tweet[5] for tweet in tweets # retweets
if tweet[0] == user and tweet[5] > 0] + \
[tweet[6] for tweet in tweets # replies
if tweet[0] == user and tweet[6] > 0]
reactions = set(reactions)
# calculate cluster statistics
current_cluster_size = 0
current_cluster_reactions = []
current_cluster_user = timeline[0][0]
for tweet in timeline:
if tweet[0] != current_cluster_user: # new cluster
cluster_reactions[current_cluster_size] += [sum(current_cluster_reactions)]
for pos, is_reaction in enumerate(current_cluster_reactions):
position_counts[(pos, current_cluster_size)] += 1
if is_reaction:
position_reactions[(pos, current_cluster_size)] += 1
current_cluster_size = 1
current_cluster_user = tweet[0]
current_cluster_reactions = []
elif tweet[0] == current_cluster_user: # in the same cluster
current_cluster_size += 1
if tweet[4] in reactions:
current_cluster_reactions += [1]
current_cluster_reactions += [0]
# last cluster
cluster_reactions[current_cluster_size] += [sum(current_cluster_reactions)]
for pos, is_reaction in enumerate(current_cluster_reactions):
position_counts[(pos, current_cluster_size)] += 1
if is_reaction:
position_reactions[(pos, current_cluster_size)] += 1
return cluster_reactions, position_counts, position_reactions
if __name__ == "__main__":
tweets = sorted(pickle.load(open('all_tweets.p', 'rb')))
links = sorted(pickle.load(open('all_links.p', 'rb')),
key=lambda x: x[1])
cluster_reactions = defaultdict(list)
position_counts = defaultdict(int)
position_reactions = defaultdict(int)
for user, followee_links in groupby(links, key=lambda x: x[1]):
followees = set([link[0] for link in followee_links])
cluster_reactions, position_counts,\
position_reactions = update_cluster_stats(user, followees, tweets,
position_counts, position_reactions)
for cluster_size in xrange(1, MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE+1):
# statistics for clusters of this size
reaction_counts = cluster_reactions[cluster_size]
number_of_clusters = len(reaction_counts)
number_of_nonempty_clusters = sum([1 for count in reaction_counts
if count > 0])
number_of_tweets = cluster_size * number_of_clusters
number_of_reactions = sum(reaction_counts)
print '%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d' % (cluster_size, number_of_reactions,\
number_of_tweets, number_of_clusters,\

See the project website for more details.

Please report any issues to


Running this requires having the following files in the same directory as

  • all_links.p
  • all_tweets.p

It is run by a simple Python call: python


1	15895 8437262 8437262	15895
2	2756  1818212 909106	2582
3	715 586551  195517  623
4	301 243848  60962 249
5	126 126250  25250 101

The output is tab-separated, with the columns as follows:

cluster_size | number_of_reactions | number_of_tweets | number_of_clusters | number_of_nonempty_clusters

A non-empty cluster is one in which at least one tweet has been reacted to.

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